I'm not sure how to title this, but this thread is both a question and a statement, not sure which it is more of, but oh well.
here's the deal, when I first moved to this little texas town, I had a fiance, and I was 16, he was 18, and untill I screwed up, thing with him where going great, he was even going to move down here for me... but I screwed up.
Now, three years later (I think, it might be a little more or less, but not much... anyway) I've been in a few relationships, and am now back to him, he seems to have mostly forgiven me, and he is even saying he loves me, which is possiby the only thing right now keeping me from bashinc my head against a wall, but we are not really "dating" yet... possibly because I haven't asked if he was ready to date me again, since he said it was a posibility, I figure it would be a good time, now that he's in the habit of saying he loves me, but I'm afraid to ask.. anyway, I talked to him about some things I've done this year (pretty supid thing, which has to do with a
person who I let live with me and the family, and was simply using my kindness so he had a place to stay while he tried to get high all the time (he was trying to use my familyl to get rides to supplier friend of his)) and well, my beloved said to get tested, and I went all self hate for a bit, then finaly thought "Hey, don't blood donation places do tests?" and thoguht, that since I think they do, and I want to donate anyway, maybe I could kill to birds with one stone... well that is my question there, DO they do the tests? anyway, my statement is... Life is Wonderful (If confuzing at times XD)
Posts: 4,635
Threads: 45
Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Sagittarius
Maybe. You can simply call the donation site and ask, anonymously if you like.
You could probably also get tested through your public health department. Here again, just call and ask.
The people who do these tests are not interested in reading you the riot act. They just want to help you look after your health and to get care if you need it. Make the call.
I bid NO Trump!
If you are going to donate blood you can't actually be gay, or bi... And the way works if you are asking for a HIV blood test this screams 'I'm gay!' and gets you black listed.
Public Health department does free STD testing including HIV. They are confidential, they assign you a number and give you a ticket that you hand over 2 weeks later to collect your results.
Its anonymous as well, you can say your name is Donald Duck and they will accept it.
Might as well get tested for other things as well, such as TB since you are around people who don't take care of themselves (drug users), chances are higher than average you are exposed to diseases like TB
Since you said Texas, I assume this is your Public Health office Website:
As for STD testing: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/searchresults.aspx
For California counties, I know that the majority you just walk in to the local public health agency (Department) and they do blood draw within an hour (depending on how many people are there). They hand you a ticket with pamphlets and other things regarding safe sex and what the tests are, what test scores mean, with other helpful information.
The ticket has just a number on it, which is your tracking number. It tracks your blood and the test results. You don't have to give them a name, address, phone number or anything.
They write down the date the tests will be back (depending on what you are being tested for, usually it takes just two weeks) and you return with your ticket and hand it over and they pull up the file.
Mind the HIV testing that Public health will do is going to be the antibodies test. This tests for antibodies associated with HIV. The test is not very accurate, and since it can take time to build up a antibody load, you can test negative and still have HIV.
The best method for HIV is the RNA test, which around my part of the globe is done by your doctors office. you go see your primary care physician, explain to him you may have been exposed to HIV (and other STDs) and would like to have the RNA test to make certain.
RNA tests test for the DNA/RNA of the virus itself, and is highly accurate and able to test positive on very low viral loads.
This is important because if you do have HIV, you want to get on medications immediately while your viral load is low.. and of course you want to start living a life where you ain't spreading it around willy nilly.
Since this also involved drug use, you may want to address that issue as well. I am only suggesting it...
Mind I have no problem if you want to use drugs - more power to you if you can do that and maintain a workable life... however if drug use is putting you into risky behaviors like unsafe sex while high, you are running a huge of wrecking your life in a way which you cannot repair later down the road when you finally figure out that drugs are not working for you and you want to be clean and sober.
Most people who use eventually reach a point where they decide to put that behind them, and most have what in program is called 'wreckage' things ranging from poor credit scores, to debt, to having burnt a lot of bridges. These sorts of things are fixable - getting some of the STD's that are out there, like Hep C, HIV are one way streets, can't fix those.
Play safe.
1) I don't use Drugs, the guy did, and it has been I think four or five months since he was kicked out by my parents after being caught (Thank gods, he ended up being a bipolar asshole, you know,m the ones who refuse to be medicated, even though they should be because of how bad off they are?) plus, I have no insurance, or money, and thus can't go to a doctor for tests, or I would, not to mention I'd have to explain to my parents, and then I'd have to wait for my stepdad's day off, and Gods only know what Drama would be caused by me talking to them, They asked me when he left it I did anything with the guy, and I said yes, then I never showwed any sighns, and we didn't have the money for a doctors visit... =_= I hate being poor, my stepdad's a F*****G prison gaurd, but they take so much damn money from his pay for all that crap like retirment that he has to work overtime all the time for us to have anything, hell, he works 9 days and only has 1 day off =_= damn goverment making life harder...and gays are St
STILL banned from donating? =_= YET ANOTHER reason I'd be happy to move to canada, or England... if not for my Ex, who may be my boyfriend again if I asked, I'd probably move the moment I was able.... but... well I do have him, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to move to a different country... well... maybe... hmmmm.... (either way, he is wonderfull. I was afraid he'd hate me if I did get tested and ended up positive, but he said he wouldn't, and for some reason, I believe he'd even still date me )
Pretty much every city has free STD testing. Google it.
The big prblem now is, I have to get a ride, and figure out how to go about it without my parent's getting suspicious, because I litterally cannot deal with a mess at home right now
Humeinator2 Wrote:The big prblem now is, I have to get a ride, and figure out how to go about it without my parent's getting suspicious, because I litterally cannot deal with a mess at home right now This is your life and health we are talking about... if you think long and hard enough.. there is a way!...
Do you have anyone that can give you a ride?
A friend that can drop you off to do some "errands" and then pick you up later?
no, especcially now that I work at Subway from 10Pm-6Am, which means I'm usually awake until 10Am, and most of my friends are either working or at college then, and those who aren't have no car, or are in a different state. I'd give them the gass money if I could find someone to give me a ride, I'd just keep it from my next check at my other job (Which Seems to only want to call me in when I'm trying to relax, like monday and tuesday, my first two days off)