@ meme:
Yeah, meme, I hear ya. I'm done with this too.
But I'm going to finish by pointing out that not once in anything I said did I make the information and evidence I presented -- personal -- about YOU or anyone here who sees things differently than I do. Doing so is most certainly not apart of the scientific method. It isn't even a rational way to conduct a "search for truth."
The laws of physics are immutable. It takes energy to accomplish work. You can't get the total, rapid, violent, destruction of a 110 story steel and concrete structure with jetliner impact, rapidly burned off jet fuel, office furniture fires and gravity acting upon mass. That is as physically impossible as reindeer pulling a sleigh through thin air along with a bearded fat man in a red suit.
This is not a building "collapsing". It is a 110 story building being explosively destroyed -- all of it except for the steel core and external cladding being turned to fine powder in SECONDS:
I've put forward a problem, a very real problem, that is observable from every still and video image shot of the twin tower events. Here is the above from another angle:
If the above is a "collapse" (gravity acting upon the mass of a weakened structure) then so is this:
And this:
These are photographs of what happens to matter when it is acted upon by enormous quantities of energy unleashed violently and rapidly. One is a volcanic eruption; the other is an underground nuclear blast.
I say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
I DO understand that it is difficult to believe your own lying eyes when confronted with a situation like this. The images broadcast to us on 9/11 and afterward are horrifying. Unbelievable. The mind and the heart real with confusion and horrified grief. They scream, "OH MY GOD! What is happening? How can this be happening? What is going on??!" And into this breach of the mind and heart we are told by people we trust, especially about somthing as serious as this, "the buildings collapsed due to plane impact and fire".
I understand how very, very difficult it is to deal with. It is shocking and horrifying -- quite literally terrorizing and traumatizing on a mass scale -- leaving grief for the 3,000 victims in its wake and rage at whoever could have been so mercilessly inhuman. These emotions are completely understandable
and I share them.
I also understand how people would regard anyone questioning what we've been told about these events is, at best, insensitive, and at worst, insane -- with a sliding scale of irrational in-between.
I totally get it.
I understand this because I understand the implications are very serious
Indeed,*IF* these are not gravity driven "collapses" but "explosive destructions," then the entire edifice of our social reality -- the way things are 'supposed' to work in a democratic society -- goes right out the window. *IF* what I'm saying is true one is left with the undeniable realization that a) we do not live in a democratic society where the rule of law is applied equally; and b) whoever was responsible for these events is *still at large* and is capable of getting away with mass murder in broad daylight. Truly I do understand, this is NOT something *anyone* would want to believe.
And yet.
And yet we have what look an awful lot like ducks walking and quacking all over the place. Above I show you only one.
Repeatedly in this tread I've presented evidence that what we've been told is simply not possible. Not because I say so, not because i detest GWB (why shouldn't I detest a president who called the Constitution "just a god damned piece of paper") but because the laws of physics and even simple common sense say so. The amount of energy being unleashed in the first two photos above can not be accounted for by gravity acting upon mass. So, where did that energy come from? Jet fuel that burned off within the first few seconds after impact? Office furniture fires? Are you serious? Or are you just afraid to look at the cold, naked truth.
Problem > reaction > solution. This is how power works "in any country".