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I lived next to a couple of guys who were so loud the cops could not knock hard enough to get them to answer the door. I waited until one hellacious New Year's Party was over and the place was as quiet as their hangovers wanted it to be. Then I set up the stereo with the speakers close to the thin wall and treated them to the Brahms Double Concerto at full volume. It begins with a full orchestra crash that would wake God if played at level one. Level ten had me worrying about the structural soundness of the place. Very effective.
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Thanks everyone for the comments, I want to add, I don't hate them as roommates, if I did I would have moved a long time ago. I don't have any other issues with them at all other than the parties, they're pretty easy going to talk to. My landlord used to live in the house with me with another roommate at the beginning of the year, but a situation happened where my landlord had to move out and my old roommate had to move to, so my landlord went and picked the roommates I have now.
To be honest, I'm glad my landlord moved out because he's a bit to self-centered and greedy. I only want to have to go to him if I have to, he's only 3 years older than me. I remember one time when he was still living at the house he really pissed me off. 1 night it was around 2AM and me and 2 girlfriends of mine where in my bathroom talking, we had just gotten home from a nightclub. Anyway we were not even being that loud, but next thing I know my landlord comes bursting in my bathroom and in a condensiting/dick voice says "Really Chris?! You know what time it is?! You THINK you can keep it down?!" He just said it in such a condensiting way and embarrassed me in front of my friends. He could have text me and told me nicely to keep it down some, or lightly knocked on the door and asked me nicely to keep it down, but no I was so embarrassed, and this is exactly what I DON'T want to do with my current roommates when they throw they're parties.
Last night they had music playing where I could hear in my room, it wasn't extremely loud but I could still here it, so I text and said "hey, can you please turn the music down some? I really don't feel good and I can here it all way up in my room. You don't have to turn it off, just keep it Down some, thank you" and they nicely did, but they said they were about to head out anyway. So maybe this is a good sign. I don't want to tell them to not have parties at all by any means, just if they kept the noise down just a little and move them to the weekends I'd be happy.
I've dealt with noisy roommates before. Generally, if you tell them to quiet down they will, for a while, and then they'll be right back at it.
This time round I'm the "noisy" one because my roommate has a ridiculous intolerance for ANY noise at night. He even told our neighbors to quiet down once, they were speaking at normal volume and I could just barely hear them through the wall. I often make noise out of spite when I come home late at night, just because I hate living with him so much. I'm such a bastard lol
Hello! How is everyone today?
I'd say everyone has given good advice here. You really have to speak up if you want others to know what you're thinking. It isn't a dick to be honest. Roommates have to adjust and compromise to make things work and your living situation is no different. I believe most roommates/housemates are respectful. Hope you have been able to get them to quiet down on a routine basis during the week nights.
As others have said, the roommates won't know it's a problem unless you speak up. As a thought, you might go for agreement on when the parties are to be over. Good luck.
I always thought that when you move into shared accommodation when you go to look at the place you should get a look at your housemates too, like a line up or even take it one step further and spy on these people, find out who they are, what they get up to because if your sharing they are as important as…… a spacious living room or nice view.
In my experience there's always one who's a world class &@#!
I think your best option is to move out, unless they are really fair people (unlikely) bringing this up will create tension, bad vibes.
Maybe look at renting somewhere with friends/people you know from work, ask around.
You could try asking them if they'd consider holding the parties on the weekends so that you could participate, and make sure you toss in the reminder that you have to work and get up early during the week so that just doesn't work for you.
This way you're just so much the party killer as just someone who wants to be able to join in the fun.