10-14-2008, 10:28 PM
marshlander Wrote:I'm impressed

sparky71 Wrote:I spent years working as a support worker for people with behavioural difficulties and i resented every minute of it. Every day i had to get up and go to that job knowing that it was making me more and more unhappy. We spend most of our lives in work so it is vital you do somthing you enjoy and somthing which adds somthing to youre life. I hope you get the job of youre dreams, If you dont find it at first, keep trying. It will make such a difference. I wish you all the best in youre endevours and keep us posted as to how you are doing.
Thanks for the good word

fjp999 Wrote:I dont know if I have just been super lucky and had jobs I found something to like about the job or I quit the next day.
I guess the most rewarding job I ever had was one started myself. You may kill yourself 24/7 but when you see something you have created out in the public.. well, there is nothing like the rush and it is all worth it.
good luck
Tried and failed.
BiPenny Wrote:In a nutshell - YES - you do have a choice in what job you do. For those of us who live in free countries we have a choice in almost everything we do (or at least we do until the nanny state takes over but thats a whole other ball game)
My advice would be to go out and find a job that doesn't tie you in for too long, for example most shops are currently recruiting christmas staff. This means you can get some work experience whilst earning some cash, you are not tied into the job for huge amounts of time if you find you don't like it and there are often opportunities for some staff to stay on after the temporary contract is over if you DO like it.
Your first job DOES NOT have to be the career you follow for the rest of your life. Move around a little (not too much or it looks bad on your C.V.) between a few jobs and try out different things, you will gain a wealth of experience and you may drop into something you really enjoy - sometimes the jobs you turn your nose up at really aren't that bad (eg my cousin recently got some work experience in the H.R. dept of an insurance company, she really turned her nose up at the idea to begin with but loved it by the end of the first 2 days!!)
I am really lucky, I get to do my biggest hobby (horses) as my job, HOWEVER this means I have to work very long and unsociable hours for very little pay. There are compromises to be made.
Don't panic but don't procrastinate for too long!!!