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Everything you know is wrong.
Well, of course, not EVERYTHING. But, could be more than you think . . .

What I'm on about this evening is something I've been looking into casually for the past 5 or 6 years. It's called "The Electric Universe Theory," (EU) which postulates that the fundamental force shaping our universe is not gravity but electricity. If this theory is accurate, just about everything those of us who have been educated in the west regarding the nature of the celestial cosmos is, at best, inaccurate and, at worst, just dead wrong. It represents a paradigm shift that is roughly equivalent to Copernicus' insistence that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Compare the changes that human society has undergone in the past 500 years to the 500 years or even 5,000 years that preceded this astounding revelation. Who among us doesn't KNOW that the Earth orbits the sun and that Sun is a gargantuan ball of radiation held together by gravity so tightly that, at its core, it is engaging in atomic fusion. That's where the Sun's energy comes from.

We believe this as surely as people 500 years ago believed that the Sun orbited the earth. Of course almost everyone assumed the earth was flat, that the universe was a sort of celestial bell jar and that EVERYTHING was orbiting us.

[Image: Flammarion_Woodcut_1888_Color_2.jpg]

So much has happened in the last 500 years it is almost impossible to imagine what the world looked like to people who lived 500 years ago. Try to imagine not knowing that the Earth is round. Try to imagine experiencing yourself in a world that was, indeed, "a stage," surrounded by everything. The vast majority of us didn't know very much about the celestial realms except what came to us through myth, religion or folklore. The "celestial" was, mystifying, mystical, our understanding of human origins and the origins of the universe itself were intertwined with mythology.

Everything that has followed since Copernicus has thrown that world view so far down the historical rabbit hole, we can't even imagine it.

But, if the EU model is accurate, scientists are going to have to re-examine pretty much everything they think they know (and tell us) about the universe yet again.

According to the EU model, for example, our Sun is not an internally energized atomic fusion machine. It is, rather, a node in an electrical current that permeates our galaxy. Now, don't expect me, a total idiot, to be able to explain how that works. I'm not even sure it does. The point I'm making is, IF IT IS ACCURATE, this model will alter the perception of reality held by future generations as radically as the Copernican model did the one before it. This model suggests that matter and energy are not only equivalent, they are identical.

This paradigm shift would radically alter our understanding of who, what and where we are as BEINGS.


I doubt we will ever know for sure how the universe works, interesting stuff though.
[Image: tumblr_n60lwfr0nK1tvauwuo2_250.gif]

MikeW Wrote:Who among us doesn't KNOW that the Earth orbits the sun and that Sun is a gargantuan ball of radiation held together by gravity so tightly that, at its core, it is engaging in atomic fusion. That's where the Sun's energy comes from.

When did that happen? What happened to Apollo's Chariot. Da hell! :eek:

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:When did that happen? What happened to Apollo's Chariot. Da hell! :eek:
I know, right!

Gives a whole other subtext to the Icarus story too. Xyxthumbs

[Image: icarus.jpg]

I'm torn between thinking our society is open to change and could handle this paradigm shift because our world changes daily as new technology alters our daily life. Then I think that our society couldn't handle change that well. Look how well our right wing fundamentalist took to the idea of evolution and gay marriage. Some still don't accept evolution and they are going to continue to fight against gay marriage.

I assume that most would take the shift in stride, while those small minded people will go ape**** crazy and call it the end of times.

I get so frustrated by this New Learning.

First, it is well established that the Sun circles the Earth. The Earth is the Center of the Universe.

[Image: aristotle.gif]

Second, everyone knows the Earth is Flat. http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/

I have no truck with revisionist nonsense.

And what is this electricity stuff? We harness the Universe's ether.

What I know I KNOW!

I think Dr. Who is on the right track with spheres, circles, spinning... Atoms, electrons, neutrons, protons, water droplets, planets, solar systems, universes, galaxies... constantly spinning, turning... clockwork gears all going around ...

[Image: doctor_who_twitter_background_by_cyberdoom5-d6fvddh.jpg]

[Image: h62FED443]

I just hope this new explanations will be easier to understand than the current ones...

palbert Wrote:First, it is well established that the Sun circles the Earth. The Earth is the Center of the Universe.
In defense of the geocentric model, its graphs are prettier than the boring ellipses going around the sun in the heliocentric model:


While I do not profess to have much of a grasp on all of this, history shows that man who was convinced that he had it figured out has been wrong on more than a few occasions.

We would do an injustice to ourselves to not entertain new ideas on how our universe works.

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