11-01-2014, 02:53 AM
LJay Wrote:Get well, Bowyn. That sounds like a serious fever. Get some help from the doc.
I'm my own doctor. I have determined that when delirium sets in it is worthy of an ER visit and then I can "afford it".

Mind I actually can't afford it, but ER room won't look at me all funny like when I open my wallet and moths, dust and spiders pour out in lieu of that stuff called 'money'. ER can't toss me out, they can bill me, you know like trying to get blood from a turnip. They can sue me, again more blood from a turnip, but they can't refuse me emergency medical aid. So I have to wait until its an emergency before I go to the Emergency room.
And then what can they do? Write me prescriptions? Well a lot of good THAT will since I have no cash to fill any prescription.
See here is the deal. I am at the point where I have to make silly choices. Like I can choose to eat this month, or I can choose to have the cable bill paid at the end of the month. Which do you think is going to win?
I can choose to pay the propane bill, or I can choose to blow this winter's heat bill on silly things like doctors, medicines, and the like.
Unfortunately I have habits, like a that dependency on food, and that silly need to stay warm. I expect the cable (ergo the internet) to be shut off this month and not turned back on.... unless I can find something else to sell. I'm running out of stuff that I can just sell and accept a severe loss for.

One of the reasons why I am now 141 pounds is because I'm weening myself off of food... It actually stiffles the hunger pains this current bug I have. Works as well as all of the stress I have been under for way too fucking long.
So yeah, I should go to a doctor. I should also be paid for my labors, I should refrain from stress because it throws me into seizures, I should eat more, I should do a lot of things. Should and ability are two vastly different creatures.