Since we're semi- on the subject...
I learned pretty early on that I'm not like most guys (gay or straight). Whereas I certainly can and do enjoy "eye candy", it's not an involuntary reaction for me. If my eyes wander to a guy's ass or something, it's because I actively decided "I want to check out this guy's ass, so let's just go ahead and do that now". This was one of the major reasons it took me forever to come to grips with my sexuality. I was waiting for a woman to "knock me flat", as it were, and it simply never happened. And since my eyes weren't wandering over to check out the guys, I didn't have any clue what was going on - I figured I just hadn't seen the right woman yet. So I sort of had to keep nudging myself into looking at women...and I simply wasn't responding.
So, one day in college, I start wondering that maybe I'm gay. Which seems silly. I mean, wouldn't I KNOW? Wouldn't I have been staring at the guys in the locker room or something? I had never felt the urge to do so. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to check, right? So I walked outside my dorm, sat on a bench out front, and waiting for a guy to come by that I could ogle. It sounded even sillier to me then than it does written out.

But what the hell - I was young and adventurous.
Eventually, a good candidate showed up. He was a jogger, wearing nothing but short black jogging shorts, socks and jogging shoes. (Hey, it was the early 90s.) I sort of surreptitiously looked him over as he jogged up, and then I more blatantly ogled him after he passed me.
...and I sprung MAJOR wood. I'm surprised I didn't rip my jeans open. I don't think I yelled "holy shit, I'm gay!" but I did on the inside.
I went back into my room, jerked off, and had one of the best orgasms of my life to that point. And thus began my long and awesome journey into gaydom.