Going to London for the day tomorrow to meet up with some old uni friends and also do some serious clothes shopping. Also plan on catching a film on sunday. Want to see the new cohen brothers burn without reading if its out. Hope you all have a good one.
Thanks for the advice on that cardshark. Will still go and see it though as Ive promised some friends and usually like the cohen brothers stuff. Will let u all know what I think.
Hope the steam does your'e chest some good zeon hopefully it should. Let us know how you get on.
Im going snowboarding at the snow slope - gotta spend some serious money on new gear too :eek:
Hi Sparky,
Didnt do much good still stuffed up and was in there 30m minutes at a time and then getting a drink of water before having five minute break and then ANOTHER 30 mins and so on for 4 hours.. I am going docs in morning and hoping to get booked in as i want to get patches cheap off him and get my life back on track as a non smoker
Kindest regards
zeon x