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Ferguson (St. Louis) Missouri Riots
The arc of history bends inexorably toward Justice, but it only resembles a smooth, even road from the perspective of distance. Upon closer examination, there are pitfalls, detours and obstacles galore. It is easy to get hurt, and hurt others, especially on a day like today when so many of us are angry or disappointed or scared, on top of the chronically tired and worried we were already carrying.

I pray that I will not knowingly contribute to that feeling for anyone.

There is a bigger problem which is a history of men of color being incarcerated and profiled and even executed when they are innocent. It is part of a scarred psyche and a history of racism that is not going to just go away because some of us insist it isn't a problem anymore (IT IS!) and until we address this and deal with it honestly we are going to have problems.....

Hardheaded1 Wrote:I watch mostly PBS, so Democracy Now with Amy Goodman was on when I turned on the TV yesterday afternoon. She was on the ground interviewing people in Ferguson and the coverage was some of the worst I have ever seen, on par with Fox. Her bias was so heavy-handed and unbalanced. She must be the epitome of bias for the conservatives to cite who are against PBS being only to the Left.

Her coverage included second-guessing the grand jury's intent and she used terms like "this spot where Michael Brown was gunned down." As Virge said, she is among the race exploiters. There wasn't even an attempt to weigh evidence or do a reality check. She was intentionally validating the riot and excusing all the criminal behavior, as were her guests.

OOO HardHead I'm glad I missed Goodman. I've been splitting TV news between MSNBC and Fox about Ferguson until this morning. After what I saw last night on MSNBC they ought to be closed down for putting on the ONLY supposed eye witness saying the policeman chased down brown and shot him and not mentioning the SEVEN eye witnesses who all saw Brown reach in the car, hit the cop and try to take his gun.

Only 44 arrests in Ferguson last night but the national guard showed up at last. I think the governor not calling them in the first night was a very good move. No one could accuse anyone of police violence. Everyone got an close and personal look at "protestors." How much do you want to bet the next time there's going to be a similar protest NO ONE will complain about police violence suppressing looters and arsonists?

East Wrote:There is a bigger problem which is a history of men of color being incarcerated and profiled and even executed when they are innocent. It is part of a scarred psyche and a history of racism that is not going to just go away because some of us insist it isn't a problem anymore (IT IS!) and until we address this and deal with it honestly we are going to have problems.....

Don't come pulling that barge of approved political party *rhetoric* up my creek and not expect me to blow a hole in it.

Here's the reality of the situation.
Anytime in the US that a white cop shoots a black man or teen it makes world news creating an illusion that this is a major cause of deaths of black men and teens. BULLSHIT.
[SIZE="5"]over 90% of black males who are murdered
are the victims of black men.

Black men comprise less than 7% of the population
in the USA yet they are responsible for over [SIZE="7"]
80% of all murders in the USA.[/SIZE]

  • But they want to get in the streets and be all over television whining about a judicial system that's unfair to them? They want to march, loot and burn when ONE DAMNED COP was not run up on false charges for shooting one DAMNED THUG ROBBER who assaulted him and tried to take his gun?
  • Think for a second >>> Judicial system failing who by doing what?
  • Why the hell aren't they even concerned about the other nine black men kill by black men for every one killed by someone who isn't black?
  • Leftist politicians are use totally misrepresented issues like the justified shooting of Michael Brown to build up support from blacks.
  • Call me when you see the same low life race exploiters who were in Ferguson marching anywhere and organizing anything towards doing anything about the REAL largest problems facing black people.

And let me know when you hear a LIBERAL politician mention the facts about black murders and just suggest they ought to do something about it

We need to re-learn the wisdom of the civil rights movement as it coalesced in the 60's. This fight between non-violence and rioting was already addressed then, and the Black Panther movement was more or less shouted down by the efficacy of Dr. King's successes, his martyrdom notwithstanding.

This isn't even a movement now, it's just hooliganism hitching a ride on the backs of the far left fringe who, like Amy Goodman, only use one color of lens on their cameras. One man-on-the-street interview featured a local guy talking about how the "protest" (rioting) was justified, describing it as "civil disobedience." He didn't have a clue what the term meant. A leader from NY wasn't any better when he condoned the reaction.

The riots have reaped their own reward, the discrediting of the events. It appears to be a fitting legacy for Mr. Brown and his violent life. That is sad to say for any man.

Virge Wrote:over 90% of black males who are murdered are the victims of black men.

I've made that point many times in the past, but somehow the Left invariably sees it as the inevitable doings of the majority (white) population and the pressures of poverty. Nevermind that such statistics never were nor are true of the Latinos, Chinese, Irish, Italians, and every other minority that was subjugated by poverty in America and discriminated against.

There is also deathly silence about the bitter and late reactions to desegregation when it came to Boston in the 70s, fart from the supposed enclave of racism in the South.

We have a legitimate job to counter the effects of institutional slavery and Jim Crow, but it isn't to create enabling excuses for every social ill within a crime spree.

My words above are about the facts -- facts that don't get discussed enough. Why? because people on the left find them awkward to talk about because they contradict the "mean white man beating down the black man" narrative they preach like gospel.

Conservatives don't talk about the facts as much as they should because they've been intimidated by the Leftist tactic of calling anything that opposed liberal politics racist.

Try if you want to make facts and truth racist but doing so will say more about you than it does about the facts or the people saying them. Facts don't change whether you chose to believe them or not.

they failed as human being, I sympathize w/ Mrs. McSpadden loss but we still didn't know if her son deserve to be shot or not. She keeps boasting about how hurt she is yet she think the riot as a proper protest she gave to the jury because of her discontentment which is hurting a lot of innocent people.
she got hurt by one person and she didn't mind hurting so many INNOCENT people to get this non existent relief she's looking for

Quote:From Virge

over 90% of black males who are murdered
are the victims of black men.

Black men comprise less than 7% of the population
in the USA yet they are responsible for over
80% of all murders in the USA.

Quote:From HardHead

I've made that point many times in the past, but somehow the Left invariably sees it as the inevitable doings of the majority (white) population and the pressures of poverty. Nevermind that such statistics never were nor are true of the Latinos, Chinese, Irish, Italians, and every other minority that was subjugated by poverty in America and discriminated against.

There is also deathly silence about the bitter and late reactions to desegregation when it came to Boston in the 70s, fart from the supposed enclave of racism in the South.

We have a legitimate job to counter the effects of institutional slavery and Jim Crow, but it isn't to create enabling excuses for every social ill within a crime spree.

Haven't there been enough conclusive studies done since the 1980s that have shown time and time again the cause for widespread poverty in the United States is the same danged "givernment" liberal programs that were supposedly designed to end poverty? If the whole scheme of raising people up from poverty by paying their bills to stay in poverty was going to work we'd have seen a decrease in poverty since it began fifty years ago. All the scam to end poverty has produced is more poverty, more crime and less homes with 2 parents and a bloc of voters faithful to the liberal party. That faithful base of voters would seem to give liberal politicians a bigger incentive to keep poverty and government dependence growing than conservatives, wouldn't it? If poverty ever starts being reduced the liberals might be in trouble.

I've been told by people from Boston how bad racism was there even into the 1990s.

When people talk about institutional slavery they should at least be honest about it. Slavery was institutional WORLDWIDE for 3,820 years of the last 4,000 and is still partially institutionalized in Africa and Muslim nations... and that's just a start. Sorry, I never have bought into the white guilt sold by Liberals.

Here's a GREAT spokesman for the Liberals against Officer Darren Wilson...


This guy used the interview as a cover for his enlightened opinion


If you are going to bash liberals...I am not going to engage this conversation further It will not be productive. You can come to any conclusion you wish Virge.

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