Jake Wrote:Rareboy you are Canadian... my family have been one of the first settlers in Canada arriving as early as 1641 my great great great extremely great grandmother is Eleanor de Grandmaison we're in your history book my dear chum LOL. I know that sometimes the stories may have seemed unreal, but believe it or not I'm not someone who hides behind a pseudonym. Jake is a simple form of Jacob which is my real name. If I wanted to be recognized I could quickly and easily do so just by giving one piece of my name.
The hostel is anonym as I do not want it to be televised or advertised as a shelter, however, rest assure that every place that deals with youths and/or sexually confused youths have the address and all the contact they need. If a gay teen in trouble need help or a place to live, they will be referred to our place. In that building there's no sign, no evidences whatsoever that this is a hostel and I will keep it that way.
In fact, my multi-million company have spent about 1.5 million dollars this year, giving anonymously to all kind of charities and I make sure it keep on being anonymous no matter if the donators is Alex or myself. I don't like to have CP24, Journal de Montreal, The Gazette, Globe and Mail and CBC News at my door looking for the good news of the week. I do my deed, take the tax credit that comes with it and we continue on our life.
You and other members of this forum were pretty much the only one beside those we give that knows we are philanthropists. I don't need that kind of attention, I have all the attention I need from my people in my house . Hope I did clarify things for you 
As you note....philanthropy should be quiet and anonymous...who would want the press at one's doorstep all the time. I have two other friends who retired about a decade ago and help LGBT youth in Los Angeles to get an education with the millions they made from the sale of their company and they were equally self-effacing about their generosity. I'm sure that those you help will be grateful.
I checked our family tree to see if we are related; I have many early Quebecois settlers in our family database...but the early French families we are related to all settled in the Montreal area. My own ggg grandmother was somewhat similar to Eleanor....arriving in the wilds of Upper Canada as a widow with small children and homesteading.
Au revoir mon ami.
I never get to know or talk with you since I'm a newcomer here
but I'm wishing the best for you and what you do now
I wish the three of you the very best....and remember that the door is always open. I will miss you guys....
Posts: 15,397
Threads: 27
Joined: Jun 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Aries
I'm not an expert at goodbyes...
How about some (last) big hugs?  
have a great future and take care - bye
Rareboy Wrote:As you note....philanthropy should be quiet and anonymous...who would want the press at one's doorstep all the time. I have two other friends who retired about a decade ago and help LGBT youth in Los Angeles to get an education with the millions they made from the sale of their company and they were equally self-effacing about their generosity. I'm sure that those you help will be grateful.
I checked our family tree to see if we are related; I have many early Quebecois settlers in our family database...but the early French families we are related to all settled in the Montreal area. My own ggg grandmother was somewhat similar to Eleanor....arriving in the wilds of Upper Canada as a widow with small children and homesteading.
Au revoir mon ami.
Hihihi Rareboy, so you know what de C. de la C means,however, my family are from the region of Quebec City and Orleans' Island (we owned half of that island), we still have several landmarks there, including a wing at University Laval in Quebec bearing our ancestor's name, one of the major streets in Quebec City bears our family name too and unlike the castles and manors in France, our family still owns most of those landmarks here in Canada. My granddad was born in the family manor which will be clicking 200 years old next year. However, this is just one part of my name, the other one is as notorious, however, they have dropped the "de" symbol of French nobleness when they immigrated to Canada in 1700.
My ggg super G grandmother Eleanor is just one of those many women who have shaped our country, in the history books the men are often named before their wife, but without them, Canada as we know it would not exist. I became historian because of my family influence.
Best to you rareboy, and we certainly will meet again on the super electronic highway.
araya Wrote:I never get to know or talk with you since I'm a newcomer here
but I'm wishing the best for you and what you do now 
Newcomer with over a thousand posts already, I call that productivity lol.
Jake Wrote:Newcomer with over a thousand posts already, I call that productivity lol.
can I take that as a compliment? lol
well this sunday it'll be my 2nd week here
hope I can snuck into your shelter but I might not be going to EU very soon, maybe later in another 2 years - I'm not really a 'troubled' adolescent tho -
araya Wrote:can I take that as a compliment? lol
well this sunday it'll be my 2nd week here
hope I can snuck into your shelter but I might not be going to EU very soon, maybe later in another 2 years - I'm not really a 'troubled' adolescent tho -
Hmmm Araya my little friend, the hostel is in Montreal, QC, Canada, it's not in Europe and it's not a shelter. I don't like it to be name as such because the way it appears is just like any apartment buildings that one would walk by, it's a private property where the resident pay a ridiculous amount to live there and get their life together. Some are students, some are employed, some are people who just needed a break from their everyday drama. Few are sex workers and they all lived together in one of the 15 units. It's a privately own and financed project for which no level of government has an upper hand on the administration.
I have created the hostel has a real "take a break from drama" where all services can be found under one roof. If a teen comes in with no money it doesn't matter, we are going to help him/her out until he gets him/herself into a more stable situation. Of course, we are aware of the slackers and if one teen become too comfortable and does nothing to ameliorate its situation, the people who run the hostel will intervene and ask him/her to leave if he/she has no plan on getting better. The hostel is part of my non-profit organization and well, I'm not losing any money on that, For every company at the end of our fiscal year we got to pay taxes on benefits, more you have more you pay, instead of taking this money and hide it in a fiscal shelter and have the government come bitting you back in your ass for hiding money, I give the overflow to my non-profit and other non-profit and thus get a tax credit of almost 70%... that money would be lost in the government vault and serve as a petty cash for our minister to carry on their very expensive dinner... I'm from a family of business people and I learned very young that one need to have his money work for himself, when government tax your revenue, it benefits them and them alone.
Jake Wrote:Hmmm Araya my little friend, the hostel is in Montreal, QC, Canada, it's not in Europe and it's not a shelter. I don't like it to be name as such because the way it appears is just like any apartment buildings that one would walk by, it's a private property where the resident pay a ridiculous amount to live there and get their life together. Some are students, some are employed, some are people who just needed a break from their everyday drama. Few are sex workers and they all lived together in one of the 15 units. It's a privately own and financed project for which no level of government has an upper hand on the administration.
I have created the hostel has a real "take a break from drama" where all services can be found under one roof. If a teen comes in with no money it doesn't matter, we are going to help him/her out until he gets him/herself into a more stable situation. Of course, we are aware of the slackers and if one teen become too comfortable and does nothing to ameliorate its situation, the people who run the hostel will intervene and ask him/her to leave if he/she has no plan on getting better. The hostel is part of my non-profit organization and well, I'm not losing any money on that, For every company at the end of our fiscal year we got to pay taxes on benefits, more you have more you pay, instead of taking this money and hide it in a fiscal shelter and have the government come bitting you back in your ass for hiding money, I give the overflow to my non-profit and other non-profit and thus get a tax credit of almost 70%... that money would be lost in the government vault and serve as a petty cash for our minister to carry on their very expensive dinner... I'm from a family of business people and I learned very young that one need to have his money work for himself, when government tax your revenue, it benefits them and them alone.
oh well, forgive my tired eyes! they always make me like a drunk person
wow, that's some work you have there, not everyone have the courage even if they have the fortune
well, I was just kidding about the 'snuck in' thingy, didnt have any ill intention of making it like an open wh*re house -please pardon my language-
and well, I don't think I have any plan to go near Canada or the US, so keep up the good work, Jake 
-sorry for the excessive use of 'well'-