I'm doing this Anonymously for the usual reasons.
The last time I had anal sex was 4 nearly 5 years it was my first time too, well I was drunk too, the problem is the other guy didn't use a condom, and it has worried me ever since.
Should I worry about it and what should it do?
If your in the UK pop down to a local GUM clinic, you can discuss your thoughts and if nessisary you can have some tests, which can just involve taking a wizz if you like.
I'm scared of the results though.
Hiv takes 3 months to develop... In the time you have been as you are and not getting checked out id say that you have not to worry about that... What i would suggest is to book yourself in for an MOT test just to be sure and dont worry about it it would have shown now thropugh sickness in health big time if u were infected.. Your get a reading of your cd4 count and virial load... A hiv- persons CD4 is 750 and viral load 0.. My friend who died last christmas from HIV his last check was CD4 56 and viral load 50 million odd.. Take my motto mister
No condom no screw best to be safe
kindest regards
zeon x
It would be better to along to take the tests and get the results in the long run though. Chances are, you'll not have anything, but it's better to be sure and know in case you HAVE picked up something (that even after this time has not shown any symptoms) so it can be treated rather than risk passing it on.
Shit guessing some you know who I am now!
I'm not showing anything thank god!
Whats really pissed me off is my ex!!!