11-05-2008, 01:47 AM
fjp999 Wrote:If it is really bothering you and halting your life then you should get tested.
It would be pretty rare to have full blown AIDS without noticing any health issues but you could be a carrier or a number of things...
This is my advice... it may be a bit different but basically I think it is good for anyone who has ever had unprotected sex: Believe that you and or your partner has something and protect yourselves.
I always thought that I might be a carrier starting my sexuality in the mid 80s but I always had one partner for a long long time... so never tested...
I have other health issues and found a great doc and he asked me to test for HIV just to rule out any other issues and since I trusted him I went ahead and tested - Negative for everything!
You really have to do a lot of research into the current treatment and thoughts on it... treatment can save some peoples lives but it can also make one more sick. Would it make you feel better knowing that you DID come out positive... or just know that you will behave in a way of respect for yourself and your partner.
There really is a lot to consider. Testing or not testing, treating or not treating, knowing or not knowing... each must make up their own mind but do play safe!