12-12-2014, 08:48 AM
I am going to use the message I think was sent in reply to Andy, not sure it went through in reply to his welcome email to say a little about myself.
Thank you Andy,
I did have a profile on here once before but I think it was deleted due to inactivity, I am very slow coming to terms with accepting my gayness so to speak, but I want this time to be different, I need friends and someone to talk to, email, chat whatever and to hold me to posting and participating, so you have my email and you can make it visible to the community if you would like to. I am 48 soon to be fourty nine and have a closet that I am becomiing very clausterphobic of so please if you wish bombard me with emails, chat invites, phone calls, I would even be willing to post a P.O. box address so I can have real written pen pals. I am tired of hiding in a box with no one to even give me a friends hug.
Love you
for this site,
MesohornyAL aka Daniel aka Handy Dan
Ps I am not into cybersex, phone sex, or sharing dick pics and assholes unless its with someone I feel is right for me,
PPS I am going to post this in the Introduce myself area, Love All
Thank you Andy,
I did have a profile on here once before but I think it was deleted due to inactivity, I am very slow coming to terms with accepting my gayness so to speak, but I want this time to be different, I need friends and someone to talk to, email, chat whatever and to hold me to posting and participating, so you have my email and you can make it visible to the community if you would like to. I am 48 soon to be fourty nine and have a closet that I am becomiing very clausterphobic of so please if you wish bombard me with emails, chat invites, phone calls, I would even be willing to post a P.O. box address so I can have real written pen pals. I am tired of hiding in a box with no one to even give me a friends hug.
Love you

MesohornyAL aka Daniel aka Handy Dan
Ps I am not into cybersex, phone sex, or sharing dick pics and assholes unless its with someone I feel is right for me,
PPS I am going to post this in the Introduce myself area, Love All