Any Pokemon fans out there?
Haha I got so busy with college and work that I haven't played it.
i don't have money to buy 3DS so i stick with old version like Black/White, Ruby/Sapphire,......But i also want to play Alpha/Omega so bad.
Understandable. You can't really beat the old ones though, they were so cool.
I love Pokemon, I loved ruby and sapphire when they first came out in 2002, and I'm enjoying the Omega Ruby.
I played up to 2nd generation (gold and silver versions) back in like 2000. Everything after that is like the 'new pokemon' in my head, and the fact that they've now remade 3rd generation makes me feel like an old geezer since I haven't even played the original 3rd gen yet. Haven't played any since, but my bro's been playing gen 6 and the gen 3 remake on his 3DS.
I must admit that ever since they've hit the 3ds, I'm not as strong of a fan as I was before.
I got the first two that hit the 3ds because of the whole megavolve fusion thing but being the perfectionist pedantic me, I hate that I don't have the opportunity to collect EVERY SINGLE pokemon now because there's just way too many.
*super nerd talk about to happen* Breeding and EV training every pokemon is just way too tiresome and in the long run it's just made me lose most of my patience for it.