East Wrote:I just tried again to watch Game of Thrones but the first episode kinda turns me off really bad....
I know it is good...too many people I know that have great taste tell me so..but I disliked the people all around in the first episode so when episode two came on I stopped paying attention ...then I went back and started it over...and again.,..I drifted away....
Is it necessary to watch them in order to understand it?
I would suggest in order as some episodes are pretty major!

*if you must skip a episode or two to watch it then do so* I can give you a general synopsis :tongue:
I would give examples but then that would ruin the surprise! I will say this though if its characters you dont like, rest easy that they will probably die soon. flip side, if theres characters you DO like,, they will probably die soon too :biggrin:.
soo far my favorite guy from the beginning is still alive.. but not doing too well

... lots of people die even major players so try not to get attached to anyone ..... one of the most powerful individuals gets killed on the toilet :S.... (in my opinion THE most powerful)
the story definitely gets more interesting as it goes though so rest easy, but it can be gory *shudders* two episodes were REALLY REALLY gory .. one made it on the news for peoples reactions O_o not sure what turns you off
but watching a show of people in powerful positions in an all out battle of wits, willpower and brute strength fight for an ultimate prize, couple with amazing scenery, great storyline and memorable characters.. yes and yes!