I really like them and they make me feel proud of myself, but what I would really like is to hear some gay love songs where it isn't about glorifying the sexuality part, but glorifying the love between the two people (A duet would be amazing). Its also my opinion on gay cinema, most being on the three subjects of: Coming out, sex, or AIDS.
i've been listening to it since 2013 summer!! and i still can't get enough of it. i can still set it on repeat and listen to it 100 times in a row. gay!
One thing I've noticed over the years, what is called "lesbian music" is almost always music by lesbian/bisexual women artists... kd lang, Melissa Etheridge, Ani Difranco, Tegan & Sara, Indigo Girls and many others. On the other hand, gay men seem to rarely embrace gay musicians with the same fervor as they do female "divas" that is usually what is meant when the phrase "gay music" is mentioned. It is really too bad, because many very talented gay artists get little attention. I know what will some say, just because we are gay men doesn't mean we have to embrace gay artists, but if that is what you believe, then why as gay men do we even have to embrace anything as "gay music?"