In my experience as a conservative nudist, I have noticed that my options for social nude recreation have been limited by public misconceptions of what it entails. Many of the places I would like to go to enjoy being nude in nature are either taken over by gay cruising or closed down due to lewd activity by gay cruisers. I do not go to these places for gay activity, and many of these places were nudist friendly before the cruisers showed up. Why do they have to take over and/or ruin every place nudists choose to gather? Nude does not mean lewd, and some of us just want to enjoy nature and the sunshine.
I used to spend the summer at a location where both men and women would sun bathe without issue. An older man and I used to see each other there on a regular basis. We enjoyed relaxing in the sun having conversations. But then, the location became populated with cruisers, and soon the locals became disgruntled with the activity that was going on along the path and in the woods. They still haven't shut it down, but it has become uncomfortable for a non-cruising person to be there nude.
Some places such as Herriman Resevoir (VT) and Cummington, Mass. have essentially become so bad that the authorities need to patrol the area, or limit access. The one time I was at Herriman, I followed the path to the nude section near other people, but soon experienced the displeasure of seeing a guy nearby pleasuring himself. I wasn't there for that experience, but it was unavoidable. Nudist reports indicate that Cummington (yes, that is the town's actual name) remains primarily a gay hook up spot, despite the town posting the roads "No Parking".
It seems that for some, discretion and manners have all but disappeared.
I am sorry that you are going threw this ,I did not know that this was a problem .It does seem to be a huge problem it makes me wonder why they are trying to ruin a good thing nudist are just trying to relax and have a great time with mother nature not go to hook up fest I think they should respect your rights and let you have your peace !! There is a time and place for everything . I hope that you are able to find somewhere you can be your self at and not be bothered with the hook up scene .Good luck and have a great and wonderful day.
I was reading something recently somewhere about nudists being upset that some of the guys at the Folsom Fair that showed alot of skin...or were even naked...were considered nudists by the general public and the nudists took issue with that....
I think the real issue is worrying about how other people define you versus defining yourself. Also...if it is important...freedom of expression should work both ways....
Personally...I wouldn't consider the guys at the Folsom Fair nudists...I would consider them exhibitionists...I don't see nudists and exhibitionists as the same thing...I see them as completely different things...
About the public parks and cruising...I know it happens but it was never my thing so I am not personally familiar with it. I would be annoyed though if I was a nudist and the people assumed nudism equaled an automatic invitation to sex. Is the place where you guys visit enclosed?
There are some nudist colonies I know of but I think they are enclosed...I am not sure what happens when or if they leave the enclosed part.....
I only enjoy being nude on the beach. We used to go to Black's Beach a lot when we lived in Cali but I never had a problem with cruisers. Now that we live in SC, we have very few nudist options, so it isn't really applicable...
I understand you, JCasey. Here in my area, the beaches are very beautiful, but the most beautiful and cleanest -and never overcrowded- are the nudist beaches... So I prefer the nudist beaches even if I keep my swimsuit on as I feel uncomfortable at being naked in front on someone else.
But a couple of times I have tried without swimsuit, that have resulted in bad moments: unpleasant staring, and I even had to leave early because guys were wanking staring at me (or worse: once someone touched me while I was asleep). As you I felt bad, furious and no enjoying no more what it could have been a simple relaxing moment...
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Beaux, I agree having grown up in La Jolla, a few crusiers, but easily spotted and gotten rid of, mostly just families enjoying the beach
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I agree that unwanted cruising and hooking up should not happen in areas where naturists are simply being themselves. Still, I have always been a bit puzzled at the prudery of naturists/nudists. I understand that a number of nudist/naturist enclaves will not allow same sex couples at all. Perhaps the OP could tell us if this attitude is changing as the rest of society is more open.
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Only been to two such places:
Sandy Hook which is part of Gateway National Park has a clothing-optional section of beach. It is co-ed and if there is funny stuff going on, I have not seen it. It is patrolled by federal rangers so maybe that discourages it.
The other is Rock River which is a river (with rocks) in Vermont which has de facto straight and gay sunbathing areas a mile or so's hike (not for beginners, either) in from the road.
Although I have not seen them I am told this is also sometimes patrolled by the police. It is a difficult There is private property (undeveloped woods) adjacent to it which my friends who are local tell me the owner tacitly allows gay men to use to mess around if they want to. You can't see it from the sunbathing area, so it seems the community there struck a balance that you have not experienced.
I am unsure as to the trends and attitudes of other nudists, as I don't have much contact with them. I had read online about some problems, and experienced others. I would expect that any bias against gay couples may stem from the original issue I mentioned. Most nudists (except certain groups, of course) seek to enjoy life naturally, without clothing. In nudist circles, PDAs (public displays of affection) are shunned, and men are expected to cover up when things pop up. To a pure nudist, lust is a personal thing that should remain between couples in the privacy of their own homes. In contrast, cruisers seem to believe that sexual activity should be on display wherever they can get away with it.
Perhaps unfairly, some nudists presume that gay men (especially) are going to have difficulty behaving themselves in nudist situations, and therefore, they exclude them. Being a single male, without consideration of sexual orientation, I am limited to the quantity and number of nudist option I have because many clubs either exclude single men altogether, or have quotas.
Of course, just as there are all kinds of gay people, there are all kinds of people who call themselves nudists. Some clubs are family friendly, whole others are adults only. Some wife swapping groups market themselves as nudists, much to the dismay of the purists.
Getting back to my original point, the cruisers and other sexually uninhibited categories of people have a tendency to seek out public nudist places, act in ways that are beyond the culture of the average nudist, and end up either ruining the experience for the nudists, or getting nudity banned from the location, essentially shutting down the location. Is there any question why there may be animosity??
Considering that nudists are regular people, just like those you see on the street everyday. The only difference is that they are comfortable enough with their bodies to enjoy at least a portion of their time without clothing. If you consider the challenge gays have had gaining acceptance in the general public, imagine the increased difficulty in achieving the same acceptance if you were to do your guy over a public trash can on Main St during business hours. Nudists establish little communities on land owned by other people, and cruisers come along and literally F^(K it up for them.
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It sucks when public nudist areas are being closed down and when cruisers spoil the fun for everyone else. (Full disclosure though: I met my husband at a clothing optional beach and we had 'fun' in the rocks (out of sight) before even talking)
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