Matt23 Wrote:Is there a particular type of condom for anal sex or can we use any kind?
Good question, Matt. Can you have access to condoms easily, are you going to buy your own from the pharmacy? Or does your medical care at school help out with these situations? I know they do in my school.
There are several types of condoms for different sized penises, for starters, and a condom that doesn't fit your gear will slip off too easily or break. So it's important to get the right size to fit you, and your partner should get the condoms that fit him. If you are similar in sizes, then you can both use condoms from the same pack.
Remember that if you take the condom off, for any reason, or if it breaks or slips off, you should start with a new one.
There are condoms that are made for rougher types of sex, like anal sex, they tend to be a bit thicker, but then you'll probably feel more desensitized. I advise trying on comdoms first before you actually need to use one for a real life penetration situation. Of course, experimenting has a small cost, but it's better than having a lifetime of health complications.
Also there are condoms that are not made of latex, that's for people who have a latex allergy. (most condoms are made of latex). In any case, the reality of your comfort will be linked to the use of sufficient lube. Make sure it's a lube that is water soluble and not greasy. Fat and grease dissolve latex, making it completely porous, ie non protective.
You can probably find out a little more about the various types of condoms from a health site or a sexual aids site, but will you be allowed to access a sexual aids site, given your age? I'm sure you'll figure it out.
