SilverBullet Wrote:Hey guys, allot of the people I once talked to are no longer here so Id like to re-get to know some people
Do we have any computer nerds/anime geeks/gamers in tha house?
Any MTG players/board game players/tabletop players?
Anyone hardcore into PVP/RTS/RP etc?
Favorite kind of movies/shows/books?
Anything you want to share that would be of entertainment genre? 
hey, i'm a nerd. actually i probably fall under the "geek". i love science and computers and all but i can barely grasp the basics of biology and chemistry. i used to hate math but i love it now because i found out that I'm so good at it (calculus comes so easy to me for some odd reason...) i'm now in the process of re-planning my career life (i'm thinking computer engineering but idk...)
anyways, i LOVE anime. i always was a fan of pokemon and even digimon for a little while. even though it was seen as "demonic" in my household i would sneak and watch it anyways. i am a big animal lover and i and a fan of dc/marvel style stuff. so pokemon was like the best combination, superhero pets! some friends in college led me to other anime and it changed my life, seriously. i've binge-watched a lot of them and i'm still going strong. some of my favorites are inuyasha, one piece, fma: brotherhood, elfen lied, etc.
i like to view myself as a closet gaymer. i love video games but i'm poor and have no money to buy a lot of them so i usually stick to pokemon handheld games. i was addicted to WOW when I played and would like to get back into it (even though i know it might destroy my chances of ever having a social life)
i am also a big movie/film fan. all types and genres. when i finally came to my senses i watched every gay themed show/movie i could find, regardless of the language and year it was published, lol. my favorite genres are fantasy, adventure, and comedy (but i can almost literally force myself to watch it all)