I love old in general (non creepy) my grandfather stepmoms side is very very old he is 95 and I LOVE HISTORY. He went into the army when he was like 16(?) but he fought in WW2. The stories he tell are rather different from what ive read (he was in the pacific rather than europe) and tells a much darker side. But yes older people are awesome, when I was younger and got my haircuts with dad at his barber there were always Vietnam vets and such there, always telling stories between each other

. I remember asking one "What was the most memorable moment of the war for you?" I expected blood and guts, some big battle or something, but the answer, turkey, apparently the usa made sure our soldiers had turkey on thanksgiving and of everything, he remembers that meal and eating it with his friends more than anything. Responses like that ... just amazing ... so to all the older guys who made this life for us youngsters that much more easy not just in military and such but even on making being gay somewhat tolerable for the younger generations and for all the wisdom you share! THANK YOU! ^_^
"If I have seen further, it is by
standing on the shoulders of giants." Newton