01-29-2015, 10:54 AM
So, I have been on a process of trying to be true to myself. Trying to accept who I am. But the thing is I can never seem to do so due to the fact that every time I take a step forward further "out of the closet" I take three steps back. Thanks to my family and the people I care most. As I sat and listen to them telling each other that being gay is some how a choice and that we can turn it off or some how pray for it to go away, made me so mad. I'm mad because they don't know about me and they talk about it in front of me not knowing anything about it. I'm mad because I wanted to tell them that, it is not a choice and that a person is born gay, just like you were born straight but can't. They talk about other gay people and sort make funny jokes or ask questions that sort of creates a picture that gay people are somehow bad. I'm mad because I couldn't defend myself because I'm still hiding. They use religion as a part of their argument as to why it is not right to be gay. They give an example of a gay man who is married to a woman because he prayed and now he is "straight". I am mad because I wanted to tell them that just because he is married to a woman doesn't make him straight. I wanted to tell them that religiously you have to be honest and therefore making a gay man who have to hide who he is in order to confine to society or your belief is a lie which is a sin. I wanted to ask them, whether it is okay to lie according their religion, but I couldn't. I was raised in a society where gay was viewed as bad and sort of an embarrassment, I don't want to say anything bad about Christianity because I consider myself as a Christian, but I think it is that belief that has created a lot of ignorance that my family have over gay people. And the saddest part of it, is that I hate myself and I am embarrassed about myself, which is the reason why I haven't totally come out. I have told my sisters and they are fine with it. My sisters treat me the same, like nothing is change, which is awesome. I hope and wish the rest of my family would gain some sort of an insight or gain some knowledge about homosexuality so that they can understand what it's like. I am surrounded by them all the time and having to listen to constant put down is overwhelmingly depressing and it is making me even more embarrassed about who I am. I am hoping that I would move away from here so that I could concentrate on me really truly accepting who I am and actually be proud for what I am. I push people away and I don't allow people to be close to and I am unhappy most of the time mostly because I believe it is the fact that I haven't truly accept who I truly am. What I need advice in is that, what can I do to help me accept who I am? I am scared to tell my family because I am afraid of their reaction, I am afraid of the thoughts and the judgements or whatever they might be thinking about me? Should I surround myself with people like me but who accept and are happy with themselves to help me be able to accept me, will that work?