01-30-2015, 07:41 PM
Guess what guys,as you know I'm no longer involved with the boyfriend who smelled.I said I still wanted to be friends and he agreed but he hasn't called me in 2 weeks which I can fully understand.I realize it's hard when the person feels rejected.But on another note the coffee barista boy and I are really getting aquainted. He emailed me twice when he wasn't at work asking me if I stopped in and explained why he wasn't there.I saw him today though and he apologized about it being extra busy.While we were talking I could tell there was a heat between us.When I left he shook my hand and told me he'd talk to me later with that look in his eye.I'm so excited about this.The guy is a lot younger then me and I'm very flattered.However I have to take one step at a time because I don't know if he's interested in a relationship,or a friend with benefits or a one night stand.Time will tell.It looks good but what are your opinions on this.Naturally if sex comes into it I'm 100% into practicing safe sex.Would love to hear your feedback.