I cant promise you the mountie but after you take off those PJs maybe I can play the horse!
The person below me enjoys a bit of Furries! or Furverts!
Not really lol, it was all going so well and then you had to throw a squid in there...
The person below has been bitten by an insect and later discoverfed they were allergic.
Nope. I think there is a thread about this...
The person below me has a computerized Japanese rice cooker that has more functions than their phone.
No, but i sure do want one. So many functions...
The person below me thinks exit interviews are the stupidest thing imaginable.
Are exit interviews when you are escorting your date to his car the morning after?:tongue:
The person below thinks whipped cream and chocolate syrup are delicious man toppings and will one day even try them on a dessert.
Too true.....
The person below me HAS HAIRY TOES!
Posts: 2,797
Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Yup, and feet, and legs, and face, and....... well all most everything!:tongue:
The person below me is late for something.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
No, but we threw some away today we've just found in the back of a cupboard.
The person below me is going to the ball tonight.