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The person below me!
Lol that's the second time you've said we shouldn't get hung up on semantics. The temptation to yell about how important it is is almost overpowering... lol May i ask what tis of??

HELL NO. I has exams next week but i refuse to start revising until my flatmate i like comes back on friday, so i've got someone to drink tea with.

The person below me actually reads the novels/books/reports they write their essays on.

Lol it's currently just text, but getting gothic phoenix with flames, partially up my back.

Haha fair fucks on that, it's the Calvinist work ethic in me - can't enjoy myself for too long without balancing it out with tedious exercises in boredom.

Mostly yes, been known to rely on, urrm.. summaries... once or twice when it was something cripplingly insufferable (Sunset Song, anyone?) but in general, yes, I read them.

The person below me is not the same person as the person above me?

Ky xx

Oooo sounds really interesting. I got a butterfly just above my left hip, so want something to balance my right side out. Right now i'm thinkin about a swallow diving down my ribcage. It'll probs turn into something totally different though.

Screw work ethics, they're boring. They drive me to do 24 hour weekends event though i blatantly have an essay due for the monday. I officially hate having been raised properly sometimes...

Is that a hint for me not to reply to this one?? O well, i'll be in the kitchen makin food soon, so my replies'll be more sporadic and maye let somemone else in on the conversation. Sadly i AM me though, and thus the same. I've got you sandwiched, boyo Wink

The person below me likes Macy Gray.

LOL ah well, worse ways to be sandwiched, and worse people by. :tongue:

Haha oh I know, sometimes wonder how much easier life would be if I'd been dragged up. Alas, good manners and a strong work ethic are what I'm stuck with - not to say I can't ignore both in the interests of utterly wild, unrespectable all-night partying and all. XD

*Wonders vaguely on whether that's an option for later tonight...*

Tattoo sounds hawt btw!

True, I do indeed.

The person below me likes Sarah McLachlan?

Ky xx

Some times....

The person below me has more than one pet

Woolfe Wrote:utterly wild, unrespectable all-night partying and all. XD

*Wonders vaguely on whether that's an option for later tonight...*

Tattoo sounds hawt btw!

You?? Partying?? Well i never, next thing you know you'll be telling me you're a... gay or something equally scandalous.

Oh and thanks Confusedmile: Generalyl looks a lot better when i don't have my winter fat. I've stepped the yoga up to twice a day so fingers crossed in a few weeks ill be back to flatty and not fatty. It's really disturbing getting the tattoo where i did it stretches out of shape when i get bloated. Really shoulda thought the placement of it through better, huh??

Quote:The person below me has more than one pet

Do pet hates count?? Got plenty of those. Sadly i'm not allowed pets as part of my lease. See when i get back from my year abroad i'm getting a cat. Woe betide the fool who tries to stop me.

The person below me wouldn't be in debt if the didn't buy wine and cigarettes.

False, I don't do either, but I'm in debt because I'm at Uni..

The person below me hates push bikers lol!

Lol hell yeah, they think they're so much better than the rest of us.

The person below me would love to be Jesus for a day.


The person below me loves eating cheese

If you go to whichever thread it was i was waxing lyrical about having Jarlsberg and proschiutto for my toasties, the answer is self evident. Hells yeah, i proper LOVES cheese. Gorgozola being my personal favourite :biggrin:

The person below was gutted when the Pier closed down.

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