11-24-2008, 09:12 AM
Ok, So, someone was so very generous to give me the book The Secret as a gift. WoW, Thanks M.
A long time friend has been practicing The Secret pretty seriously for about a month or so. She is pretty fanatical about her practice of this and I am pretty happy for her as it seems to have given her a "better" direction in life. She has ordered the DVD for me and went total ApeShit when I told her that a friend had sent the book and it just arrived on my doorstep yesterday.
I started reading it this afternoon and really do want to understand it all very clearly so hope if anyone can answer the first question I have... would be greatly appreciated
Quoting from page 15: "Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought!".
Is that true? Have quantum physicists discovered that the Universe was created from thought, or emerged, or???
And exactly what does that mean? I tried reading thru the Basics of Quantum Theory in wiki but um, it really didnt go into the emergence of the Universe...
A long time friend has been practicing The Secret pretty seriously for about a month or so. She is pretty fanatical about her practice of this and I am pretty happy for her as it seems to have given her a "better" direction in life. She has ordered the DVD for me and went total ApeShit when I told her that a friend had sent the book and it just arrived on my doorstep yesterday.
I started reading it this afternoon and really do want to understand it all very clearly so hope if anyone can answer the first question I have... would be greatly appreciated

Quoting from page 15: "Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought!".
Is that true? Have quantum physicists discovered that the Universe was created from thought, or emerged, or???
And exactly what does that mean? I tried reading thru the Basics of Quantum Theory in wiki but um, it really didnt go into the emergence of the Universe...