thebusinessboy Wrote:Hey, I need advice as I am really really confused atm...
It's interesting. I had similar experiences when I was a young teenager. It was very difficult to NOT feel guilty after an orgasm where I fantasized about other boys. (And for me there was never any fantasying about girls!

) LOL… so what changed?
Well that was so long ago for me I can barely remember so let me suggest some things to think about and try.
First of all, do you know that feeling horny is due to chemical changes in the brain? When you're feeling hot and horny part of what's happening is your brain is "high" on dopamine. It seriously is like a drug (which may partly explain some people getting 'hooked' on jerking off). Immediately after the intense "peak high" of the orgasm, the dopamine disperses and the brain fairly quickly returns to normal serotonin levels. For some people this creates real problems… google "postcoital blues" and do some research using "sex" "orgasm" and "brain chemistry." It's kind of interesting, actually.
Ok, so your brain chemistry changes… but why is it you feel "guilty" after jerking off to specifically gay porn? Well, chances are only a clinical psychologist could begin to answer that question, and even then after several intense sessions of some very personal questions. But as others have suggested here, we don't really know enough about you and your up-bringing to answer that for you.
Just kind of guessing but I wouldn't be surprised if these guilty feelings are bubbling up from some deep SHAME you feel around your sexual urges in general and your homosexual urges in particular. We've all grown up in a world where heterosexuality is "normal" -- and homosexuality is viewed as "deviant" possibly even "perverted" and "immoral." These messages get picked up by us from parents, siblings, peers and the culture we grow up in, in general.
So, what can you do about it?
My first suggestion is to let yourself FEEL the shame/guilt… actually go inside it and explore it. This is a different attitude toward it from, say, just feeling it and vaguely and maybe reacting to it one way or another. Rather, intentionally hold on to that feeling, close your eyes, go into it, see if it takes you back to some specific -- or some set of specific -- memories. Where is this feeling coming from? Look inside yourself and see if you can find some clue.
My second suggestion is almost the opposite. If you can find some clue as to where this shame/guilt is coming from, then practice NOT dwelling on those feelings… rather, just let them go. (Our feelings come and go about a lot of things all the time, no big deal.) You might try giving yourself some 'pep talk' or 'inner reassurance' that there isn't anything wrong with a) feeling horny and b) fantasizing about sex with guys. It isn't perverted or immoral. It really isn't any different from straight guys fantasizing about girls (other than the fact it is "seen" as different by normal heterosexual culture).
Finally, I suggest you just train yourself to enjoy the "after glow" -- that "satisfied" sensation. Give yourself a warm hug and pat yourself on the back; there's nothing wrong with feeling good and wanting to make other guys feel good while they do the same to you. It is *normal* for US and happens millions of times every day everywhere around the world!