TwisttheLeaf Wrote:Headphones and haircut say college student on a budget. Aside from that.... *Shrugging* I dunno. He doesn't -appear- via the picture to be aggressive enough (or submissive enough) to make my "ooh look!" bell go off. Looks like someone that, even if I were single, I'd be friends with, but nothing more.
That was a good guess! He does go to college.
MikeW Wrote:Why are you asking what other people think about someone from just a photograph?
I was just curious. It also starts a conversation.
Borg69 Wrote:He looks passionate. Adventurous. Innocent, but you'll ask yourself "Omg where did he learn that?". He's caring but sometimes thoughtless. He's the type that will be the best and worst thing that has happened to you. He'll say he's all in, but there will always be that hint of secret you'll never know.
Amazing perspective! Love your comment!
Darius Wrote:I think he is not wearing pants. That is what I want to think.
Ha, adventures I see.
Miles Wrote:I think his name is Maps.
He is forty two,
five-feet-eight-inches tall,
normally wears his curly hair long.
He has a ruddy complexion, broad shoulders and is barrel-chested,
is unusually strong.
He frequently wears a full beard and sometimes glasses.
He is a college graduate, a talented artist, and sculptor.
Now, Maps is a soft-spoken loner, who resents society and all organizations.
Maps fancies himself a ladies' man.
He is an avid chess player, smokes cigarettes, and a pipe.
He is a beer drinker and loves to eat.
Maps is a man of widespread interests, who might very well be living abroad.
You have a great imagination! So creative and unique. I admire that!
Lexington Wrote:Your turn. What do YOU see in the photograph?
Ah, you got me! ;]
He is a handsome guy that wants to learn about the universe. His eyes tell me he is passionate and romantic. The eye brows indicant the need for perfection and shows his hidden emotions. He is willing to help people and not ask for anything in return. He loves music and it helps him relax. He is the kind of guy that if you need someone to talk to he is there. His haircut shows that he is adventurous and willing to try new things.
East Wrote:Seriously...I would have to have an impression of him from what he says to determine what he looks like. For me...most people look the same to me as does a field of cows. Unless it is a cow that I know and like...they all look pretty much alike.
Personality and attitude make or break ANYONE in my eyes. Looks alone tell me nothing.
This is more of imagination and how you perceive things with just an image. Images are very limited, but I wanted to know how people see others through their own eyes. There are reactions that happen in the brain when you see pictures and they can be really different compared to another person. So, I just wanted to see what you guys would say.
Rareboy Wrote:This is such a strange question.
What are we supposed to think? We have no context.
Are we looking at him as a sex partner? Or room-mate? Employee? Employer?
To be honest, I only see a picture of a guy in a shirt smiling while he's taking a selfie. I guess I could comment on his nose, or his eyes, or his smile or his haircut, but this seems to simply objectify him by parsing features of his appearance.
I'd much rather read what he's know more about his attitude about life, etc.
And I'm confused about ages. You indicate you are 24. You say that he is 25, but that he is ten years older than you.
Something about all of this doesn't add up.
Well, I'm a strange person. ;]
It's just how you see things in the world around you. Not to be taken seriously and not to hurt anyone. For example, a picture that was drawn and people tell how the eyes show beauty or the hair expresses an emotion or connection with something else.
As for the age thing, the guy in the picture is 25. I put a "side note" to the people who said he looked too young for them. So, I said there was a guy that was 10 years older that I liked. I meant that age is not always a problem even for someone as young as me. I should have explained it more, but I thought it was enough for people to understand.
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I'd hit that....
No, no, no. He messaged me first.
Wolfpack Wrote:He looks pleasant and happy, not much to go on really with just one photo.
Thanks for the comment! I think he looks happy too.