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Is anyone else tired?.....
...of hearing people you KNOW are racist insist they aren't...and their actions have NOTHING to do with being racist?

The last in a long ass line of these incidents comes from Ferguson Missouri...and their VERY OPENLY RACIST Police Department.....

It is completely disgusting....

...and the same racist people wonder exactly why black people have a problem with the police....

If you are gay...pay attention. No matter how much acceptance and equality under the law we ever get...you will still have to deal with this as well.

In its investigation of the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department, the Justice Department said it found "direct evidence of racial bias" in e-mails from and interviews with "influential Ferguson decision makers," including police commanders and court supervisors, all of whom are current employees.

Several officials "expressed discriminatory views and intolerance with regard to race, religion, and national origin," the report concluded. It described the communications as "unequivocally derogatory, dehumanizing, and demonstrative of impermissible bias."

The Justice Department cited the following e-mails as "illustrative":

• A November 2008 e-mail stated that President Obama would not be president for very long because "what black man holds a steady job for four years."

• A March 2010 e-mail mocked African Americans through speech and familial stereotypes, using a story involving child support. One line from the e-mail read: "I be so glad that dis be my last child support payment! Month after month, year after year, all dose payments!"

• An April 2011 e-mail depicted Obama as a chimpanzee.

• A May 2011 e-mail stated: "An African-American woman in New Orleans was admitted into the hospital for a pregnancy termination. Two weeks later she received a check for $5,000. She phoned the hospital to ask who it was from. The hospital said, 'Crimestoppers.'"

• A June 2011 e-mail described a man seeking to obtain "welfare" for his dogs because they are "mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are."

• An October 2011 e-mail included a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption, "Michelle Obama's High School Reunion."

A December 2011 e-mail included jokes that are based on offensive stereotypes about Muslims.

Officials sent the e-mails from their city accounts "almost without exception" and apparently during work hours. Investigators found no evidence that anyone was disciplined or that anyone asked the sender to stop sending such e-mails, which were forwarded to others.

"Critically, each of these e-mail exchanges involved supervisors of FPD's patrol and court operations," the Justice Department wrote. "FPD patrol supervisors are responsible for holding officers accountable to governing laws, including the Constitution, and helping to ensure that officers treat all people equally under the law, regardless of race or any other protected characteristic.

"The racial animus and stereotypes expressed by these supervisors suggest that they are unlikely to hold an officer accountable for discriminatory conduct or to take any steps to discourage the development or perpetuation of racial stereotypes among officers."

I doubt if anyone is surprised by this.

But yes...as anyone will know from my exchanges with the naked racists on line who want to cloak their hate by playing the victim instead of the perpetrator...or who decry 'political correctness'.......I am as tired as it is possible to get with racism.

I think it is time for a change....and I think I am going to write a lot of people in Ferguson and demand it.

In regard to all of the official statements from the police department and individuals claiming racism was not an issue...I would like to hear each one of them state publicly that they are a fucking liar...and they absolutely ARE racist bastards and always have been...

The proof is there...no getting around it this time...and it is time some of these bastards own it.

THAT will be a step forward....and we need to take a step forward.

East Wrote:...of hearing people you KNOW are racist insist they aren't...and their actions have NOTHING to do with being racist?

The last in a long ass line of these incidents comes from Ferguson Missouri...and their VERY OPENLY RACIST Police Department.....

It is completely disgusting....

...and the same racist people wonder exactly why black people have a problem with the police....

If you are gay...pay attention. No matter how much acceptance and equality under the law we ever get...you will still have to deal with this as well.

For sure...my best friend's a cop, large urban department, anti-discrimination policies up the ass...they've even got a Liaison Officer to bring the issues of gay officers to the attention of administration...

And...coming out in that department is figuratively (and at risk of literally) a death sentence...file a complaint and you'll spend the rest of your career in traffic...

...how are they going to treat US fairly when they threaten and intimidate each other? My friend is straight BTW, and all he ever wanted was to be a cop. But he's looking at other career options now because he's afraid of what he might someday be expected to do...

So yeah...it's sad and it's disgustin and I'm very, very tired of the hypocricy...

Apparently we allow people to list 'niggers' as being a no-go date situation here and few appear to have a problem with that. So......

Discrimination is and always has been a problem in the USA (at the very least) and I'm pretty certain it happens in other places like the UK and the rest of the world.

I came to the conclusion that there is no breaking the chain of hate with the current generation. The next generation still has hope, as we can teach the younglings that its not ok to hate. And hopefully that will be stronger than their parental unit(s) programming to hate.

Thank you for posting this! I really had the impression that it wasn't that bad, everyone I heard about it at home had an opinion of "they're exaggerating, its their own fault for breaking the law, the same would happen to white people" etc etc
Never did any research on it myself, but I sort of went along with those opinions, sadly your post is proving me wrong.. Never expected there actually was real racism involved, but your info seems clear enough

^^^ Nope racism is alive and well. Even in California its pretty bad. I have had to hail taxis for friends of mine simply because I was the right color for a taxi to stop for.

Its the little things like that which are prevalent here in the states. Out right bigotry isn't done that often because we have laws against discrimination. While no company is allowed to not hire based on race, they just find a 'reasonable' excuse for hiring the white over the black and claim they were not being discriminatory.

When we move into a new place, one of the first things we do is start "making the house a home". We put up art we like, and arrange it in a way that's just so. And by doing so, it ceases being "a place" and becomes "OUR place". Technically, nothing changes in the grand scheme of things - it's still the same apartment or house it was before - but we've altered it on the surface to make it more attractive to us, and more comfortable for us to live in.

We do the same thing with reality.

When faced with information, or just take things in with our senses, we metaphorically paint it the way we'd like. So when we hear a white policeman shoots a black man, it can either be "another case of police brutality" or "another dumb criminal got his just desserts", depending on what tint we have in our world-view paint can. It might very well be an open-shut case of police blowing away an innocent man, or it might very well be a stupid criminal who had to be stopped. Or it might be one of those shades in between.

But the thing is - it doesn't matter. We don't have to hear the facts - we've already painted the picture from the moment we hear about it. And as more facts come out, if they argue against our world view, we fight tooth and nail against changing. We've staked out our turf, and we ain't moving if we can possibly help it.

I've noticed this happening to me more and more as I get older. And I'm trying to fight it. And it's really really difficult. It's just SO easy to slap a coat of paint on it.

I was made aware of some British woman the other day. Her hypothesis, shrunk down to a sentence, is "I gained a lot of weight then lost it, and I now have ample proof that fat people are simply lazy and refuse to do anything to improve their lot." And it's so easy to just throw some "she's fat-shaming" paint on that and leave it behind. But that's not how I want to live. Because maybe she's right. And maybe she's wrong. But if she's wrong, let's just PROVE her wrong.* Let's not immediately discount the theory, because it might have merit.


* - I'd like to think I'm living proof that it's wrong. I spent agonizing years trying to get my weight to a 'normal' range. It got to the point where my mind was constantly on what I could do to burn more calories, and avoid eating more without ruining my metabolism. Like, literally, that was all I was thinking about. And yeah, I lost forty pounds. But I wasn't very happy. I couldn't just go enjoy something because I thought that time might be better spent doing crunches or walking around the block again or whatever. So finally, I gave in. I didn't sit down and eat an entire ham or anything, but I said "OK, let's just eat somewhat carefully, and exercise enough to keep me feeling good." And, big surprise, my weight started going back up again. Was I "lazy" by not keeping at it? Sure, I guess, the way a guy who doesn't run a four-minute mile is "lazy" for not really pushing himself to do so. The work wasn't worth the "reward", which was smaller clothes and occasional compliments from people. BFD. I'd rather be happy and think about other stuff and wear XL shirts. Smile

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Apparently we allow people to list 'niggers' as being a no-go date situation here and few appear to have a problem with that. So......

I was beginning to think I was the only noticed, except for a couple mild mentions in the thread and there was no real challenge to the use of the word. I am sure everyone that has been in that thread has noticed I put an infraction on the post and I am not apologizing for it. I guess it is mostly just a bunch of white guys here and I don't know of any current user that is black, so hey, what's the big deal, right? I noticed the word "tranny" was also used. After seeing the two words, I could not go in there and seriously have a discussion about the topic of the thread

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