06-25-2007, 07:35 AM
hey guys, first post here..
i finally did it. after comming out to a couple of friends then my sister, who i have a really good relationship with.. she told me i have until the end of the year to tell mum and dad, or she was gunna do it... the bitch..
but yeh, i literally just did, walked into the kitchen "mum im gay" and then the lounge room, "dad im gay". mum said "and?" and dad was "ohh ok" then he just smiled, i walked back in here and am now typing, i really can't believe i just did it... was ummm wierd to say the least, mum walked into my room just then, lol and asked if i was seeing someone, and wanted to meet him... hahah... but all in all, a good result me thinks..
just had to tell some people thats all
i finally did it. after comming out to a couple of friends then my sister, who i have a really good relationship with.. she told me i have until the end of the year to tell mum and dad, or she was gunna do it... the bitch..
but yeh, i literally just did, walked into the kitchen "mum im gay" and then the lounge room, "dad im gay". mum said "and?" and dad was "ohh ok" then he just smiled, i walked back in here and am now typing, i really can't believe i just did it... was ummm wierd to say the least, mum walked into my room just then, lol and asked if i was seeing someone, and wanted to meet him... hahah... but all in all, a good result me thinks..
just had to tell some people thats all
