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Hi all,

New guy here after some advice.

Im pretty much straight, Im not attracted to guys at all, but I am seeking a encounter with another guy just to try it. I dont know if you think im mad or not, but I am very open minded and would like advice on how to go about this, no strings attached.

What Im after is not sex or anything like that, I just want to feel another mans cock. I hope this doesnt sound weird. Its just something that turns me on when I think about it, and Im one for trying new things all the time!

Any advice or help much appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, Jack. If you've read other messages on here you'll have got the idea that this isn't generally a hook-up site.

"Pretty much straight", meaning you have only been with women till now? Being turned on by wanting to feel another man's cock suggests life may be a little more complicated ...

As I see it you have choices in ways of fulfilling this ambition. You could
  • ask someone you trust not to give you a smack in the mouth if they would indulge you
  • ask someone you know is gay if they would mind (they will possibly be more understanding of your curiosity, but don't bet on it)
  • spend a few minutes in a gay sauna (where you may get more than you paid for)
  • find a cruising spot or a cottage where you can feel up other "straight" and often married men.
If you decide on the last option there are web sites listing cruising sites, if you don't know any. There's bound to be one within easy distance.

Gay sauna... interesting.

Hey Jack, good luck with experimenting.


I think that, reading your post, you know full well that you're not 'straight', as it were, in the traditional sense. I sometimes think it can be dangerous for people who are finding themselves to think of sexuality as either fitting into one of three boxes: 'gay', 'straight' and 'bi'. Really sexuality, at least when we're unsure where we find ourselves, goes in much more of an arc, with an uncertain mind swinging back and forth from one to the other, in and out of its comfort zone.

My advice for now is just to let things happen. If you do, as i think you, as well as everyone who's read your post, suspect have an attraction to men then given time opportunities to try the things you want will generally present themselves. I'm very wary of ever advising someone to experiment for experimentation's sake, as i've seen the effects it can have on people i've been trying to help before. Things can go much further than you had anticipated, and there's no telling where your comfort zone really ends until it's too late and you're in the middle of something you're not physically or emotionally ready to deal with. Far better to give things the time and space they need to occur naturally, albeit sometimes in less then perfect circumstances.

Once you have found for yourself where you stand on your sexuality, be that through experimentation which has occurred without being forced or just a rigorous understandinng of your feelings; what they are and what they mean, THEN is the time for going out and trying the whole mansex thing outside of laboratory conditions (hmm, that sounds FAR too clinical, i mean it simply as outside situations where you feel in control and fully able to experiment safely).

Whatever you decide to do, ALWAYS have a contingency plan incase things don't go the way you'd expected.

Best of, and happy searching.


Jack Wrote:Hi all,

New guy here after some advice.

What Im after is not sex or anything like that, I just want to feel another mans cock. I hope this doesnt sound weird. Its just something that turns me on when I think about it, and Im one for trying new things all the time!

Any advice or help much appreciated.

Hi Jack,

I am a bit confused here... you dont want sex but just have a fetish to feel another mans cock...

This is gonna be a very specific fetish maybe held by other straight men. As marsh has already suggested a few places but they may be expecting a bit more than just a touch...

Maybe there is a specialized web site for this kind of fetish, I am pretty sure there must be...

best of luck Jack

Jack Wrote:Hi all,

New guy here after some advice.

Im pretty much straight, Im not attracted to guys at all, but I am seeking a encounter with another guy just to try it. I dont know if you think im mad or not, but I am very open minded and would like advice on how to go about this, no strings attached.

What Im after is not sex or anything like that, I just want to feel another mans cock. I hope this doesnt sound weird. Its just something that turns me on when I think about it, and Im one for trying new things all the time!

Any advice or help much appreciated.
I completely understand what you mean, it goes a bit further for me, I want to experience anal sex from top and bottom. I dont do drugs or anything like that, and I dont want to experience anything kinky like water sports or s&m, but I'd really like to experience gay sex. I just want to experience the whole spectrum.

I guess I must be bi (I've been married, have a family, have enjoyed straight sex with several women but never anything gay beyond wanking games in the school showers a long time ago). If I was 14 youd say I'm just curious, but I'm not sure if you can still be just curious when your 50.

I can't really imagine kissing a guy, and I had opportunities when I was a college and clearly gay guys hit on me, which I ran away from like the plague. Life's not simple. Sexuality is clearly not always black and white but many shades of grey.

Sorry for the confused ramble

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