11-30-2008, 06:44 PM
Aww chick, i feel your pain. Literally. Working in BHS = being on your feet on the shopfloor for the duration, essentially. It IS something you'll get used to eventually, either that or build up calluses at all the pressure points...
Anyways, i find soaking my feet after a long day helps. Also making sure your shoes fit properly is a MUST, and you can buy revitalising sprays, which, reading the ingredient list, is basically just alcohol for you feet but the effect of it can be quite soothing. I used to use germolene, or some other cream with a mild anaesthtic effect before a particularly long day, like when i did that 15 1/2 hour day. And there's always good old-fashioned piankillers.
For a whiel in the summer i used to take large doses of caffeine 'coss when you're buzzing you don't notice the pain or tiredness, but don't do that one it's HORRIBLE for your body, and caffeine is really addictive. What made me stop was seeing one of my friends flatline after a caffeine overdose in his house. He's fine now though...
So there's plenty for you to try. Hope it helps
Anyways, i find soaking my feet after a long day helps. Also making sure your shoes fit properly is a MUST, and you can buy revitalising sprays, which, reading the ingredient list, is basically just alcohol for you feet but the effect of it can be quite soothing. I used to use germolene, or some other cream with a mild anaesthtic effect before a particularly long day, like when i did that 15 1/2 hour day. And there's always good old-fashioned piankillers.
For a whiel in the summer i used to take large doses of caffeine 'coss when you're buzzing you don't notice the pain or tiredness, but don't do that one it's HORRIBLE for your body, and caffeine is really addictive. What made me stop was seeing one of my friends flatline after a caffeine overdose in his house. He's fine now though...
So there's plenty for you to try. Hope it helps
