03-26-2015, 04:18 AM
Since my husband Bryan told his story...(which was very traumatic for him and something that has affected him mentally and physically do this day)...I thought I would tell my story....
Coming out isn't always a traumatic thing....(and my heart goes out to all who have had a bad experience)....mine was a very simple process....
First of all I should say that I at one point was engaged to a woman when I was 17....married a woman..(a different one) when I was 20....and I have 3 children....I've always been the type of person who doesn't give a fuck what people say or think of me....I knew I was bisexual since my earliest memories....when I turned 16.. and knew I wanted to act on these feelings...I basically looked at all my friends and said I'm bisexual...fucking deal with it....and they did....(I was goth at that time and I think most people were scared of me Lol)....
From that moment on I told everyone I met....except my family....until I was 19.....when one night I was drinking....(a favorite pastime of mine still)....called my mother out of the blue at about 2 in the morning....said...hello mother, I need to tell you I'M bisexual...."what do you mean," she asks....."it means I like to fuck both men and women"...was my drunken response.... lol....and since then...I have flown free.... always being who I am...never letting others opinions bring me down...love me or hate me...I live for me...no one else.....----Barry
Coming out isn't always a traumatic thing....(and my heart goes out to all who have had a bad experience)....mine was a very simple process....
First of all I should say that I at one point was engaged to a woman when I was 17....married a woman..(a different one) when I was 20....and I have 3 children....I've always been the type of person who doesn't give a fuck what people say or think of me....I knew I was bisexual since my earliest memories....when I turned 16.. and knew I wanted to act on these feelings...I basically looked at all my friends and said I'm bisexual...fucking deal with it....and they did....(I was goth at that time and I think most people were scared of me Lol)....
From that moment on I told everyone I met....except my family....until I was 19.....when one night I was drinking....(a favorite pastime of mine still)....called my mother out of the blue at about 2 in the morning....said...hello mother, I need to tell you I'M bisexual...."what do you mean," she asks....."it means I like to fuck both men and women"...was my drunken response.... lol....and since then...I have flown free.... always being who I am...never letting others opinions bring me down...love me or hate me...I live for me...no one else.....----Barry