fjp999 Wrote:Why would you say something like that sox? I am not a MAC fan boy as I love my cheap old dell with xp and before owning a MAC thought it was a bunch of crap for the elite but I have grown to love my Apple products and the customer care and the software and the fanboys producing free apps and the community that will go out of their way to help a new user...
You'd love Linux then... tonnes of free software held in a database you can just click and download... brilliant in my eyes.
fjp999 Wrote:just the fact that they produced the first consumer mouse input device (original device was available for commercial use at $400 (to build) and Apple brought it to the consumer for $25) should have every computer user appreciative of what Apple foresight has done for the user.
Apple created the first greaphical user interface, so without that you wouldn't have the mouse :biggrin:.
Then Microsoft started ranting about how they made it first... no change their, bloody MS.
fjp999 Wrote:*the first personal computer which could display truly photorealistic images
*the first all in one personal computer which included the first computer to offer USB ports as standard, abandon the 3½-inch diskette drive
*the industry’s first combo CD and DVD burning optical drive
I don't believe a few of them are true, if we're talking about 1st computer to sell these products retail then I might agree, but you could buy a combo drive before apple brought it out in their machines.
I love computer history, mostly to do with the program side of things.
I can tell you 3 facts
Apple USED to be nice.
Microsofr are NEVER nice.
Linux is FREE...
Apple have taken the MS approach to taking over the whole market, similar to IBM but now apple have a range of good products and know how to market them correctly, relying upon their brand... they used to be a nice company but now their complete ...
MS have always sued anyone trying to get in their way, the first reason MS became popular because their first commercial operating system was offered out for free... then it came to the point where it was the most well known and no one else knew anything else.
Not forgetting the government that slipped in and helped then to succeed by giving them better grounds to sue on.
Linux they don't have much behind it, their income comes from training n' all that... they can't market it very well as they don't have money behind them, but I have to say Linux IS one of the most powerful operating systems out their.
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I run Ubuntu for my desktop and server, I absolutely love it but I have modified it a lot

90% of the internet is build on Linux/Unix servers... why because its the most secure.
the other 10% of people running servers just want the easy way out and use the buggies operating systems out their windoze.