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Dear Advisors:
I have the bad habit of only looking in my bookmarks for places to go on the interwebs. I think this is because I am not very good at thinking of other things to look for.
Can you help? How do I overcome this difficulty.
PS--I am bored a lot, so I need new stuff.
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One thing that I frequently do is, I Google IMAGES of my favorite things, TV shows, movies, comic book characters... which can lead me down zillions of different websites based on the subject, but aspects of them I wouldn't have thought to look up myself. Anything from Fan Art, replica costumes, props, 3D images, behind the scenes stuff, the making of.... , parody, info about the creator...
And quite frequently, however Google Images works, there will inevitably be other unrelated (?) images that pop up in my search that will catch my eye enough to intrigue me to investigate further.
What are some of your other interests?
One of the things I do alot is when I find a website that has news about something or an informative or entertaining article about something interesting to me...I will check their archives or find more from that writer...
I used to visit alot of different message boards but for me...a troll or shill will ruin it for me and so once I see that...I just stop going there. I visit very few now.
Try street drugs - between the gangs, dealers, users and abusers I can pretty much guarantee boredom will be the last thing on your plate.
In all honesty, perhaps what you really need is to start searching for more social activities in your community - join a church, or go to the LGBT center in your town (if you have one).
The computer can only go so far to fill your need for social (human) interaction. Most people who find themselves visiting all of their bookmarks and still feeling 'bored' tend to be isolationists and really do need to interact with real people more.
Good luck.
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I usually check out yahoo news or youtube.
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Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Good suggestions all, guys.
Of course, Bowyn is right that getting to know some real people would be a great thing.
I just get stuck in a rut and perhaps worst of all, get into the habit of sitting in front of this machine because it is a cheap alternative to a life.
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