kjames Wrote:Hey Julian, I watched your videos and a few of your liked vids and enjoyed them. Keep on posting!
Thanks so much for watching kjames! I plan to post many more.
Bookworm Wrote:Hi Julian, welcome along 
Thanks Bookworm! Are you reading any good books right now?
Beaux Wrote:Hi! Welcome to the Forum!
Thanks Beaux!
himself Wrote:Welcome. Nice profile photo. My 'tall poppy' syndrome is making me want to cut you down to size (how dare someone look nice?) but it's Tuesday and Tuesdays are for being friendly, so I will not pounce on you.
Aww. Thanks himself! I'm just a dork…Lol.
Steve Wrote:Mike's not weird in any way Julian. He gives some of the best and most common sense advice around.
EAST! Look at you, bein' all butch-like and such. You want to hit on his brother don't you?

(East not only gives good advice, but he's a great listener as well.)
Julian you already know I'm a fan. You are a great addition to GS. We're lucky to have you. (How can that last sentence sound so wrong and so right at the same time?)

Lol. Great advice? Looking forward, and I'm glad to be here!
Wolfpack Wrote:Welcome to GS. 
Thanks Wolfpack.
BlueStar Wrote:Nice to meet you 
Likewise BlueStar!
Cridders88 Wrote:Welcome to GS Julian 
Thanks Cridders!
trywait Wrote:allo Julian! welcome to gs
Thank you trywait. Sorry for the delay (to you and everyone). I had a crazy week last week. Lol.
East Wrote:Hey Julian! Welcome to GS...Great video BTW! 
Are you a Native Sacramento guy? I used to live in Fair Oaks...
I see your brother is a Raiders Fan..... are you a Raiders fan as well?
I am a lifelong 49ers fan. What do you (or he) think about the possibility of them moving back to LA? Two cities in the LA area have offered to build them a stadium...San Diego and St Louis are also looking at LA though...
Thanks East! I am native to Sacramento. I wasn't born here, but I was raised here until I was 12 and moved back at 18.
My brother is a Raiders fan. I'm not big on football myself, though there are some players I fancy looking at a little. Lol. I'm more of a tennis guy.
As far as the Raiders moving back to LA, I wouldn't be against it. Oakland is questionable.