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Threads: 113
Joined: Jun 2013
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Wow just lost about 50 people from my FB page for supporting the Same Sex marriage ruling in the US. So they where happy Im gay but as long as I didn't say anything about it.
Don't worry about em [MENTION=18789]artyboy[/MENTION].
I do my best to stay away from Facebook and the people who make it a part of their lives. The best thing Jay and I ever did online was quit it and get away from the messy people who "live" there.
[QUOTE=artyboy;570273 It all started off about how in this guys mind that it was wrong and people like that shouldn't be role models etc. [/QUOTE]
THAT bugs me Artyboy. One of the hardest hitting lessons of my life came after I told my grand dad I didn't want to be anyone's role model when I was 17.
He told me we don't get that choice in life. We can only choose to be good role models or bad ones.
Then he said if I wanted to be a bad role model to tell him right then so he could go him and get drunk and forget having wasted being a good one for me for 17 years....
I'm betting that guy who jumped you is a real shitty one.... I'd like to give him a "pep talk"
You've hit on a subject that makes me glad I've got a brainiac older brother whose a history professor... Here's some things I've learned from him......
Nothing changed here after WW2... You have to remember who the people in the US are. The ships coming to America weren't full of Europe's elite and most enlightened.
13% of us came here as slaves brought here mostly by Spanish, Portuguese and British ships who had virtually no slaves in their own nations.
at least 10% came here as impoverished indentured servants. (white slaves)
another 10% came here are prisoners (unpaid labor - even more true with Australia)
and nearly all the rest came here to get away from the crazy religions in Europe and wars in order to practice their own crazy religions or to escape famines, purges and extermination programs.
With what Europe gave the US to work with what we've accomplished is more amazing than most Europeans want to give credit for. You guys were playing with steel for nearly 2,000 years and never thought of making a plough out of it. (I bring that up because I bought a bizarre old ploughshare for $10 at a flea market in April took it to an antiques appraiser who researched it. It's one of the first model John Deere sold in 1838. They're trying to figure out how much it's worth... at least 6 figures.)
Religious Freedom wasn't what the first people came here to establish. Massachusetts Puritans used to prosecute and hang Rhode Island Quakers when they crossed the colonial borders.
It's so funny when I hear people from France, Germany or the UK belittling the US for the treatment of the Native Americans once "we" arrived... Had Rome not done the same thing to all three + other nations in Europe you'd all still be worshipping trees and rocks and sacrificing virgins under the winter solstice. <(made yup example but you get the point)
I'm not trying to argue anything just put things in context when you start talking about history. With what Europe
All I have to say about bigotry is the same thing I say about every other word invented to create an us versus them good/bad dichotomy ... I do my best not to use them in reference to other people no matter what they say or do. (homophobe, Islamophobe, racist, antisemite, blah blah blah blah blah) I don't want to label anyone until I've met them and I'm not going to label people I haven't met.