Mystery Man Wrote:n when he's with me we dnt sleep at all haha ;p
There you go then young man
I meant to say Blistex and not Blisteze as it used to be called unlike Zoviraz you don't have to walk around with a white blob on your lips, just keep them moist with Blistex
A cold sore is an unsightly and often painful blister on the lips, caused by an infection from the virus Herpes Simplex 1. Cold sores occur when someone catches the virus however can often lie dormant. A tingling, burning sensation on the lip means a blister will appear within 24 hours.
The fluid filled blister usually breaks within the first few days but total healing can take up to ten days. It will be contagious as long as its visible (and occasionally beyond) and the sufferer must take care not to infect others, or re-infect themselves.
Known as cold sores as they often occur when a person has a cold, but other stress factors can also bring them on e.g. trauma, emotional distress, stomach upsets, periods, even too much sun. Often they have no obvious cause at all.
To prevent an outbreak of cold sores, take all possible steps to relieve stress, such as exercise, yoga, aromatherapy and a good diet.
Blistex Relief Cream can help as it keeps the skin moisturised and more resistant to outbreaks. If a blister does appear, the cream’s analgesic will help deal with the pain
top tips for cold sore free lips
- Avoid touching cold sores, as they are highly infectious.
- Keep your immune system strong by eating healthily and taking exercise.
- Minimise stress with calming activities such as yoga, pilates or meditation.
- Use a caring lip balm, everyday, to keep your lips as moisturised and protected as possible.
- When first symptoms of a cold sore arise apply a medicated cold sore cream, such as Blistex Relief Cream, to relieve discomfort.