Anocxu Wrote:You know Virge..
Down here in good ol' Floriduhh...
You don't see a lot of preggers packing..
Just wanted to point that out...
I guess my surprise prank visit..
Me dressed like a bandit busting in and trying to Rob the B&B is out of the question...
Moving on to plan E...
You got part of it right... You don't see a lot of preggers packing... They aren't getting out of their cars wobbling in Walmarts swinging guns in each hand. They stick them in places we don't know about... That way you have to guess which one is packing a beretta and which one isn't.
Virge Wrote:You got part of it right... You don't see a lot of preggers packing... They aren't getting out of their cars wobbling in Walmarts swinging guns in each hand. They stick them in places we don't know about... That way you have to guess which one is packing a beretta and which one isn't.