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Do you believe in gods?
I always find it amusing that so many atheists want to know how many LGBT theists are in the world.

Makes me wonder if there is a person question about the authenticity of denying "god" because one is LGBT or something, or perhaps there is this desire to reassure ones self that because X number of LGBT don't believe in a god or something that it makes it ok to not have a faith.

I am a man of faith. Doesn't matter what faith - really it doesn't, and it is none of your business. However as a Gay man I find I'm constantly being amused by both sides having issues with MY personal belief system.

Did I say amused - oh no, I'm sorry I meant annoyed to the point where I want to take my cane and shove it up the questioner's asshole sideways to demonstrate that hell hath no fury like a grumpy faggot who is sick and tired of answering questions which are frankly no one elses business.

Be it who I pray to (or not), be it who I have sex with (or not) hell even if I am doing massive amounts of meth or drinking oceans of alcohol its no one's business what I do as long as I am not personally interfering with another person's life.

Its great you're an atheist - if that works for you fine - dandy. But don't sit there and try to justify your faith based on the faith of how many other LGBT have or don't have a faith. IF you lack faith because you do not believe there is an invisible man in the sky that judges and rectifies the ills and wells in the world - then that is all you need.

IF you are doing it because men - PEOPLE call you a sinner and tell you are going to hell because you love other men - that ain't God or a god or whatever - that is people. IF you are following a loud majority (because you see the real majority of gays don't bother posting on forums or explaining their faith) then you are doing it for the wrong reason.

I cannot stress this enough to you - you will never ever ever find out how many LGBT have a faith inn a deity because most (perhaps even higher than 80%) of LGBT don't do anything with the gay scene. Most of those are in hiding because you know they live places where they will be beheaded for being gay, but in more liberal places like the USA a lot of LGBT are sick and fucking tired of the Gay Agenda being pushed by a minority of loud queers who have taken 'Equality' to a limit well beyond equality.

The majority of LGBT in the USA live in conservative, rural communities and have absolutely no problem with their conservative neighbors, they go to work, church, whatever and live a 'normal' or 'hetero-normal' sort of life - you know, job, keep a home, cobble together a family, try to live by a moral and ethical code which allows the most rights and freedoms for all as possible.

Those types of LGBT rarely come to places like this, or Gay Jock, or Grinder or any of the other over sexed, over hyped, sex depraved sites where such questions as this is brought up.

The Kinsey Report of 10% is perhaps the most accurate percentage of humans that identify as LGBT. All other reports put it around 2.5% simply because only around 2.5% will admit that they are part of 'that culture' which brings us rainbow gay prides, Queer as Folk light porn shows and other horrific and morally objectible takes on what being a gay person is really about.

MOST gays are 'normal' - meaning we are construction workers, farmers, doctors, lawyers, etc. etc. etc. and spend very little time in 'the scene'. Consider your typical 'normal' social family (straight) and figure that about 33% say they are christian - you will find that out of the whole real LGBT population (declared and undeclared) the number is about the same.

And no - you are not getting and accurate poll here on Gayspeak - we are understaffed when it comes to the LBT part, and because this site gets banned at many open internet places (wifi) because it has the word Gay in in - it is assumed to be yet one more gay porn site, thus a lot of the undeclared, out of scene gays that WOULD be here if they knew the reality of this place are not here to participate and tell ya.

I'm currently going to a church with about 4% LGBT members - well I think its 4% because only 4% are obvious about it. I'm gay but few people can tell just by looking at me.

I also know in this area there are over a dozen open, tolerant 'LGBT affirming' churches I could go to.

Which means that there must be a rather larger (but relatively unseen) LGBT community here. Unlike many of the cities I have lived in, Albuquerque doesn't have a gay ghetto/district or any well established ghettos/districts.

Feel free to keep on asking, Lord knows I can't stop you from doing so, but I will tell you this much, its not until you die will you get an accurate answer to many many questions, such as how many LGBT believe in a god and even if there is this God Person anyway.

Yes, I believe in God.


Same goes for fairies, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Unicorns, Giants, Leprechauns, etc... I'm an adult, not a child.

I'm the ruler of my own universe.

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