Virge Wrote:Now
the debate of the century is over I can give results.
I won.
Jay wanted to put on the new cantelope colored sheets.
I wanted the hunter green sheets.

Yeah, I'm all about the hunter green sheets as well, although it must be noted that cantaloupe sheets are superior when hiding semen stains.
Mark gave me short recaps from that debate, mostly involving the flushed, coppertone, hot air balloon sporting a threshed straw comb-over, venting methane and making a complete ass of himself yet again. I wanted to stay informed, but I knew if I watched either of those debates I'd probably spit up the perfectly lovely Cobb salad I had for dinner.
Oh! Cobb salad! I like avocado green as well.
LJay Wrote:And why not one of each.
Then you can debate which color is top and which is bottom.
What a novel way to figure out who lifts his legs to Jesus.
East favorite shirt for years (I wore it out) was a Hunter Green Torso Hugging Polo was my good luck shirt....and my favorite color. I like green everything does my BF.
Ditto East. Love green. Hunter green is such a deep, rich, masculine color. It reminds me of dad getting up at the buttcrack of I-just-fell-asleep morning and getting ready to go deer hunting. That was back before orange was the new don't-shoot-my-ass I'm a person wearing hunter green in woods filled with half drunk fools with rifles.
I'll even take sage (if it isn't tinted to look like a used baby diaper) or olive (if it isn't too drab) green. I have to draw the line at yellowish, acid green which reminds me of the tacky, Brady Bunch 70's (we lived through them, they were the hellish remains of a sincere 60's then), and teal green reminds me of K-Mart (or Wal-Mart,) which is synonymous with the word cheap.
Anocxu Wrote:How do you feel about fungus?
At ease disease, there is a fungus among us!
Mushrooms are good. Fine cheese and yogurt wouldn't be the same without it. Without fermented grapes none of us would know the joy of a wine hangover. I'd hate to be dead because no one had figured out how to make penicillin yet. Still, I get your point. Call me racist, but black mold would be the death of me.