I was such a tomboy and Granny was always trying to girl me up, put me in dresses, get me to grow my hair out, but it just wasn't for me. (I wouldn't have minded the dresses so much but I had to take better care of them which was a pain, if I ripped or stained a dress I was in trouble, but not if I did the same to jeans, so I preferred jeans even when it wouldn't have otherwise mattered.)
And I'd wanted a skateboard ever since I saw the character Sarah use one in the Crow. Back then that was considered a guy thing but I didn't see it that way. I was 11 when I saw that and wanted one. (Given all else that happened in that movie, from Sarah's profanity to killers and arsonists I suppose I chose about the best thing there was on what to want from a movie.

Granny lives in a very small rural town, but there was the Texas Rose Festival held in Tyler I think about 200 miles away and she took me to that when I was 13 which was nice. She left me alone for a few minutes while she ran a couple of quick errands and as I'd learn a few days later one of those errands was buying me a skateboard for my birthday!
That was the best present in my life, not because of what it was but because of what it meant: Granny wanted me to be a princess, yet more importantly she wanted me to be happy and she would love me despite that I wasn't the princess she hoped I'd be.
One of the few times I actually sobbed in my life was when someone stole that skateboard from me when I was 15 because of the sentiment involved. I could replace the skateboard, but not what that particular skateboard meant to me, and so it was.