09-11-2015, 09:43 PM
It seems like once a week I make a thread in the "Relationships" category. This week looks to be no exception.
So I would like to ask for everbodys phone number so I can sext you.
Seriously though: I wanted to get the general opinions of the members on this topic. More specifically (as the category would indicate) within the confines of a relationship. For those of you who are too cool to be bothered by these new age terms: sexting is messages/pictures of a sexual nature being sent to others. For the purpose of this topic, I am not talking about sending pictures of my butt to my partner, no pictures at all really. Purely text messages.
Do you believe "sexting" in a relationship is a juvenile thing or something that keeps the passion alive between two people? Does it add zest and spice (both of those words make me think of food...zest always reminds of spaghetti for some reason, go figure) to a relationship or is it just a silly thing for people vapid of real conversation to inject into a discussion?
My personal take: I like it. My partner is a lot more sexually repressive than I am (I'm working on bringing him out of his hard, cold, shell when it comes to that) so he usually misses my cues when I'm trying to entice him to play along (an example being: "I love it when you're inside me" could be responded with "
", and that smiley face is SUCH a turn on you know...). I wouldn't do it if I knew he was busy but his day usually is filled with down time here and there. Sometimes I'll want to be expressive but I won't because of a fear of him not being interested or being too embarrassed about my desires/fantasies to want to write them out, much less talk them out. So for me, this opens up a venue of expression, one that I'd like to use more if I knew he was more into it.
So, that's my opening post. If it doesn't incite discussion I don't know what will. Aside from me going back to the opening suggestion I made at the very beginning about taking phone numbers and acting on that. But that won't happen I'm afraid. Sorry.
So anyway: discuss.
So I would like to ask for everbodys phone number so I can sext you.
Seriously though: I wanted to get the general opinions of the members on this topic. More specifically (as the category would indicate) within the confines of a relationship. For those of you who are too cool to be bothered by these new age terms: sexting is messages/pictures of a sexual nature being sent to others. For the purpose of this topic, I am not talking about sending pictures of my butt to my partner, no pictures at all really. Purely text messages.
Do you believe "sexting" in a relationship is a juvenile thing or something that keeps the passion alive between two people? Does it add zest and spice (both of those words make me think of food...zest always reminds of spaghetti for some reason, go figure) to a relationship or is it just a silly thing for people vapid of real conversation to inject into a discussion?
My personal take: I like it. My partner is a lot more sexually repressive than I am (I'm working on bringing him out of his hard, cold, shell when it comes to that) so he usually misses my cues when I'm trying to entice him to play along (an example being: "I love it when you're inside me" could be responded with "

So, that's my opening post. If it doesn't incite discussion I don't know what will. Aside from me going back to the opening suggestion I made at the very beginning about taking phone numbers and acting on that. But that won't happen I'm afraid. Sorry.
So anyway: discuss.