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I can't believe he's not gay
Okay, I get asked this so many times, are you gay? Some people even ask me twice. I guess my problem is that I look a little too feminine, I remember some girl said once I looked like princess laya gone wrong, so you know what I mean. I mean it's that bad I even got gay gents adding me to their friends on facebook, people I never even heard of before but yet they are guessing I'm gay based on my picture, I just don't know but I am fed up with people assuming it about me. What can I do to make myself appear less gay? I had this woman at work, she comes up says are you gay, I said no, she said it's just that you're very good looking, she said a bloke customer was asking about me? Oh brilliant... What is the matter with me? Why am I attracting blokes all the time? What do I have to do to stop this? I am not gay in the slightest, I am not unsure or confused at all, I like women and bloke sex is not appealing to me at all so there can be no mistake. What signs do you see in men who are most deffinetely hetrosexual?

Oh poor you, but I hope you are a little flattered too? Wink It's nice to be appreciated!

My partner and I play a game when we're out ... watch how people walk Rolleyes and ask yourself, is he? isn't he? Maybe if you tried walking like you'd just got off a horse ... and had dirty fingernails?

Good luck at finding what you want, though. :redface:

Upload your photo "Honestly" and we'll see if you look too feminine

Welcome to Gay Speak fella


No I am gutted, I think maybe I am just too girly looking, I am concerned about it cause a lot of girls don't like that in a man. I used to like the way I look but god I feel like grrrrr like I wanna rearrange my face with a hammer.

i tell you what I don't wanna send it to the whole forum if you wanna take a look I can send you a few pics

honestlyimnot Wrote:No I am gutted, I think maybe I am just too girly looking, I am concerned about it cause a lot of girls don't like that in a man. I used to like the way I look but god I feel like grrrrr like I wanna rearrange my face with a hammer.
Please don't, that sounds rather drastic. :eek: Seriously, practise the horse-walking thing Wink

there a pic on my profile you can see my ridiculous face

honestlyimnot Wrote:there a pic on my profile you can see my ridiculous face
Ok, very nice, but maybe slightly androgynous ... ? I don't mean that impolitely. Have you considered a beard?

I can't really grow good facial hair, I grew some sideburns and they are okay. What is angrogenous?

honestlyimnot Wrote:I can't really grow good facial hair, I grew some sideburns and they are okay. What is angrogenous?
androgynous Definition
an·drogy·nous (an dräjə nəs)
  1. both male and female in one; hermaphroditic
  2. Bot. bearing both staminate and pistillate flowers in the same inflorescence or cluster
    1. of or marked by a blend of male and female characteristics, roles, etc. an androgynous culture
    2. designating or of something that is not differentiated as to sex androgynous clothing
Etymology: L androgynus < Gr androgynos: see andro- & -gynous

Sorry, it would have helped if I had spelled it correctly! Obviously not all those meanings apply ... I'd go for 3.1

Sideburns ... sounds good Cool

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