10-19-2015, 12:08 PM
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hey guys,
I realize that this has probably been done to death. But most of the threads in this forum are closed, so I thought that I would start a new topic here.
What are your thoughts on religion and homosexuality? I am not by any means a religious expert or a theologian. But, I have read the Bible many times and studied Christianity. As far as my religious background goes, I was raised as a non-practicing Protestant. We went to church only for weddings and funerals, and that was about it. When I was around 35 years old, I suddenly became interested in Christianity. So, starting with the Bible, I dove in and devoured whatever I could on the subject. At the age of 41 I became interested in the Catholic faith. Reason being, I simply feel at home... welcomed... in a Catholic church. At 43, I was baptized and confirmed into the Church. I now attend weekly Mass. Now, you may be saying to yourselves, "Oh my God... How can you be Catholic and gay at the same time??!! Those Catholics are among the first to say that gays are going to hell!" I'll be honest here. I really don't get that. My priest knows that I am gay, as do a lot of the parishioners. And they accept me for who I am. They may not AGREE with homosexuality, and that's fine. They are entitled to their opinion. But, while the Bible does outlaw homosexual practices in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in the New Testament, Jesus preaches love and acceptance. Tolerance of those who are "different". He also preached forgiveness. Love of one's neighbor. So, my belief is that Jesus does love me, despite all that I may do wrong. As long as one believes in Him, He will forgive. So, I do fully believe that I am going to heaven when it comes time for me to leave this world. I am 100% certain of that. So certain that I do not fear death.
So feel free to discuss this important topic.
I realize that this has probably been done to death. But most of the threads in this forum are closed, so I thought that I would start a new topic here.
What are your thoughts on religion and homosexuality? I am not by any means a religious expert or a theologian. But, I have read the Bible many times and studied Christianity. As far as my religious background goes, I was raised as a non-practicing Protestant. We went to church only for weddings and funerals, and that was about it. When I was around 35 years old, I suddenly became interested in Christianity. So, starting with the Bible, I dove in and devoured whatever I could on the subject. At the age of 41 I became interested in the Catholic faith. Reason being, I simply feel at home... welcomed... in a Catholic church. At 43, I was baptized and confirmed into the Church. I now attend weekly Mass. Now, you may be saying to yourselves, "Oh my God... How can you be Catholic and gay at the same time??!! Those Catholics are among the first to say that gays are going to hell!" I'll be honest here. I really don't get that. My priest knows that I am gay, as do a lot of the parishioners. And they accept me for who I am. They may not AGREE with homosexuality, and that's fine. They are entitled to their opinion. But, while the Bible does outlaw homosexual practices in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in the New Testament, Jesus preaches love and acceptance. Tolerance of those who are "different". He also preached forgiveness. Love of one's neighbor. So, my belief is that Jesus does love me, despite all that I may do wrong. As long as one believes in Him, He will forgive. So, I do fully believe that I am going to heaven when it comes time for me to leave this world. I am 100% certain of that. So certain that I do not fear death.
So feel free to discuss this important topic.