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Religion & Homosexuality
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hey guys,

I realize that this has probably been done to death. But most of the threads in this forum are closed, so I thought that I would start a new topic here.

What are your thoughts on religion and homosexuality? I am not by any means a religious expert or a theologian. But, I have read the Bible many times and studied Christianity. As far as my religious background goes, I was raised as a non-practicing Protestant. We went to church only for weddings and funerals, and that was about it. When I was around 35 years old, I suddenly became interested in Christianity. So, starting with the Bible, I dove in and devoured whatever I could on the subject. At the age of 41 I became interested in the Catholic faith. Reason being, I simply feel at home... welcomed... in a Catholic church. At 43, I was baptized and confirmed into the Church. I now attend weekly Mass. Now, you may be saying to yourselves, "Oh my God... How can you be Catholic and gay at the same time??!! Those Catholics are among the first to say that gays are going to hell!" I'll be honest here. I really don't get that. My priest knows that I am gay, as do a lot of the parishioners. And they accept me for who I am. They may not AGREE with homosexuality, and that's fine. They are entitled to their opinion. But, while the Bible does outlaw homosexual practices in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in the New Testament, Jesus preaches love and acceptance. Tolerance of those who are "different". He also preached forgiveness. Love of one's neighbor. So, my belief is that Jesus does love me, despite all that I may do wrong. As long as one believes in Him, He will forgive. So, I do fully believe that I am going to heaven when it comes time for me to leave this world. I am 100% certain of that. So certain that I do not fear death.

So feel free to discuss this important topic. Smile[/COLOR][/SIZE]

I was also raised Catholic and shown the door (by a nun, no less!) at the age of 19 because I had discussed my feelings for guys with a priest in what was supposed to be confidence.

Been an Episcopalian since 2001 (after a ten year no-church gap). The ritual is fairly similar although there seems to be a little more diversity in the language of the prayers and a little less diversity in the music. Our church being quasi-democratic has votes every three years on various things and among them:

- Women have been allowed to pursue ordained ministry since the 1970s
- Gay men and lesbians have been allowed to pursue ordained ministry since the 1980s
- We had our first gay and lesbian bishops in the 2000s
- We started "blessing" same-gender relationships in the 2000s
- We officially started allowing trans people to pursue ordained ministry three years ago
- We officially started calling those "blessings" marriage this past summer (although in many places they were treating it as the same thing

Not to say this hasn't caused some controversy, but at least we're moving forward. Your experience in the RCC is not unique but not the norm either, and it doesn't reflect what's being said at the top. The RC archbishop where I live just told his priests not to give communion to people who support LGBT issues or planned parenthood. There are plenty of LGBT folks who--like you-- live with that tension It's choice only you can make, and if you feel at home there, more power to you, but I would never consider going back, no matter what happens.

Bizarre. With all the natural mystery and beauty in the real world and the universe. With all that science discovers and offers us. Even with all that, people are still fixated on religion for the answers to life as if it's any more real than any other fictional story.

1and1 Wrote:Bizarre. With all the natural mystery and beauty in the real world and the universe. With all that science discovers and offers us. Even with all that, people are still fixated on religion for the answers to life as if it's any more real than any other fictional story.

Science and faith do not cancel each other out. The head of my church (well, until Sunday, when her term expires) holds a doctorate in oceanography and has been urging the US to take climate change seriously. We are not creationists and do not take everything in the bible literally.

I understand that it makes no sense in the modern world, but the modern world is not exactly ordered, is it? Senseless wars, gratuitous violence, great inequality. I found community in the church (including meeting my dude) and it has been a framework for my work in social justice. So it has value for me, and it sounds like the OP has had a similar experience in the RCC. I understand your experience may be different.

We know that rabbits do not talk back to farmers, but that does not make Aesop's wisdom any less useful.

My first gay relationship was with a Catholic priest who taught me a lot about Christianity which was not much of a choice since that was his position. I have read the Bible several times as well since my family are traditional Baptist who condone homosexuality to say the least. However, I must say that in my opinion...what I've learned with the Bible is this....Homosexuality was very relevant during those times and there are specific chapters such as the Book of David and the story of Jonathan which from my perspective...does not come out and blatantly say that these two had such a relationship but you can read between the lines in regard to their relationship. In my opinion..anytime a married man leaves his wife to be with another man whom by the way was attacked and ridiculed by his father and yet to lay in hiding with him and confessed his love for him...well...it doesn't a genius to see what's going on there. Another thing that I've picked up on as well with the Bible is that yes...it does condone homosexuality but these words does not come from God himself...these words are spoke upon by the disciples. From what I've read ...God's word was all about love and when these statements were made about homosexuality...it was always from a hearsay perspective ...not from his mouth.

In recent years...its very prevalent that a lot of ministers/priests are close cases for years before being caught in the act so to speak. Furthermore, there are sooo many more who are leading this double life as we speak. In regards to religion...I love God and I do believe him....but in regards to the Bible...there certain chapters or paragraphs that I do read on a daily basis that applies to my life in general and applies to me being encouraged as a part of my daily morning routine. In conclusion...I recall having this discussion with a die hard so -called Christian woman years ago who went on to tell me that I will never enter the gates of Heaven due to my lifestyle. My response to her was that my path to Heaven is not her right or decision and if that's the case then there are soo many people who are not going to enter Heaven due to the fact that being a sinner is part of the norm so to speak and the majority of the population consists of homosexuals that if this is the case ...the I imagine God is going to suffer from exhaustion sending us all to Hell...haha...whatever...life your life to the fullest...

JohnSomebody Wrote:My first gay relationship was with a Catholic priest

[Image: 388509a05bcb05342a34a896950ceefb.jpg]

Does that mean Joey's was too?

Homosexuality and religion is such a painful interface for so many that I want to avoid it altogether.

Someone once asked John Calvin to write a commentary on the book of Revelation and he refused, saying that enough had already been written. That was in the 16th century. Wise man.

I think the whole thing is going to take a lot more time. It is moving slowly, but it is moving. We shall simply have to wait.
I bid NO Trump!

LJay Wrote:Does that mean Joey's was too?

Homosexuality and religion is such a painful interface for so many that I want to avoid it altogether.

Someone once asked John Calvin to write a commentary on the book of Revelation and he refused, saying that enough had already been written. That was in the 16th century. Wise man.

I think the whole thing is going to take a lot more time. It is moving slowly, but it is moving. We shall simply have to wait.

While I agree with your perspective in many ways, when you wrote that "John Calvin...wise man.", I shot chicken noodle soup out of my nose! ROFLMAO!!! (edit: to elaborate, he was considered by many to be the founder of the Christian Literalist Movement--the people who believe that the Bible is the *LITERAL* word of God..i.e. that the world was created in 7 periods of 24 hours each, and the world is only 6000 years old, ect...).


Catholicism and Homosexuality. .?

Gay man walks into church and sees Jesus looking like this...

[Image: 4089aa7627b856415a19015ca5ba8ba1.jpg]

First of all..
Who had the brilliant idea to oil him up?

Couldn't his loin cloth be two inches higher?

Jesus is not in anguish here..
Clearly.. he's posing..!!!

Must handsome priests walk down the 'Red Carpet' So menacingly. .?

Then several times during worship ..
that chant..
"The Body of Christ"..
"The Body of Christ"..
"The Body of Christ"..

Yeah.. I can see it from here..!!
Stop reminding me..
I get it !!
Jesus had a SIx Pack and silky thighs. .
Ok.. I'm rattled up now..!

Wait..? You want me to take a sip of wine?.. in my condition?

Yup.. mass is over now.. need to go and confess in private..
But First ...
Let me ..
"Rub a quick one out"..

I'll just tack that on to the list of awful things I've done and ask for forgiveness later..

(No disrespect to Catholics )

Is it just me ...
or ..
Is everything Catholic 'Epic' or 'Sexy'..?

Anocxu Wrote:Catholicism and Homosexuality. .?

Gay man walks into church and sees Jesus looking like this...

[Image: 4089aa7627b856415a19015ca5ba8ba1.jpg]

First of all..
Who had the brilliant idea to oil him up?

Couldn't his loin cloth be two inches higher?

Jesus is not in anguish here..
Clearly.. he's posing..!!!

Must handsome priests walk down the 'Red Carpet' So menacingly. .?

Then several times during worship ..
that chant..
"The Body of Christ"..
"The Body of Christ"..
"The Body of Christ"..

Yeah.. I can see it from here..!!
Stop reminding me..
I get it !!
Jesus had a SIx Pack and silky thighs. .
Ok.. I'm rattled up now..!

Wait..? You want me to take a sip of wine?.. in my condition?

Yup.. mass is over now.. need to go and confess in private..
But First ...
Let me ..
"Rub a quick one out"..

I'll just tack that on to the list of awful things I've done and ask for forgiveness later..

(No disrespect to Catholics )

Is it just me ...
or ..
Is everything Catholic 'Epic' or 'Sexy'..?

[Image: blasphemy-ymca-jesus1.jpg]

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