01-26-2007, 04:29 PM
Music that is?
Buy it: Do you like the feel of a CD in your hand, the trip to the record shop, the ring of the cash machine... all those liner notes and the legality of it all...
Borrow it: Do you borrow cd's off family and friends, not too conerned about "having" the actual CD in your collection once someone paid for it and you can lisen to it...
Extended Borrow it: Do you d/l your tunes, payin a "fee" to some website (like gomusic.ru) or programme (like limewire) ... its not "exactly" stealing if you pay someone, something for it... right?
Downright Steal: Do you d/l from free programmes like bitttorrent or some free mp3 site...
Virtually Buy it: is iTunes or Napster your prefered way... legal and above board but no dust collecting CD boxes all over the place.

Buy it: Do you like the feel of a CD in your hand, the trip to the record shop, the ring of the cash machine... all those liner notes and the legality of it all...

Borrow it: Do you borrow cd's off family and friends, not too conerned about "having" the actual CD in your collection once someone paid for it and you can lisen to it...
Extended Borrow it: Do you d/l your tunes, payin a "fee" to some website (like gomusic.ru) or programme (like limewire) ... its not "exactly" stealing if you pay someone, something for it... right?
Downright Steal: Do you d/l from free programmes like bitttorrent or some free mp3 site...
Virtually Buy it: is iTunes or Napster your prefered way... legal and above board but no dust collecting CD boxes all over the place.
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.