Hi guys. I've been feeling pretty down the past week, because I have a large groupassingment due soon and I cannot bring myself to working on it.
My group consists of one other guy and he has apparently quit or whatever, atleast he hasn't replied in weeks.
So it's all up to me.
Spin a magic web that convinces me to sit down and focus, please!
why not give yourself a special treat as a goal if you complete it ...i.e maybe promise to buy yourself something the one thing you've had your eye on for a while !!! or just give yourself a week of indulgence if you finish your task ? - your alternative is just to give in and fail ,,,and I don't believe your that type of guy from all your posts ive read mate
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Look at it this way. You ar now totally in charge. Just do the assignment and have done with it. The other person can take his licks and you can go out for a celebratory dinner. As a matter of fact, if you send me a round trip ticket, I'll buy the dinner. Great deal, eh?
I bid NO Trump!
Do you care to tell us what it is about?
He's gone and nothing you can do about that except push your perceived boundaries ,,,if u think you cant do it then you will fail before you start - break the task down into manageable chunks, don't think about the whole thing as it can be overwhelming ,,,work through each chunk one at a time and im sure you will surprise yourself, pace your self and take plenty of breaks too - walk away if your stuck too...come back later fresh and finish that part off - and try to enjoy a challenge
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Think of the feeling of god-liness you'll get out of doing this all on your own.
[MENTION=18997]matty7[/MENTION] than you very much. It is helpful.
[MENTION=23180]axle2152[/MENTION] True enough, he was annoyingly secure at tmes. Totally confident about something that is actually incorrect. Still...
[MENTION=23097]Insertnamehere[/MENTION] Currently I just feel overwhelmed. Hopefully I'll get it done.
[MENTION=21156]Anocxu[/MENTION] yeah, I rarely start threads and this is me trying to share more. It's a scientific paper about the synthesis of a glucosyl, using a 2 3 4 6 acetylated glucose as starting point. It's bioorganic chemistry. It's not the writing itself that overwhelms me, it's the precise and variating work required, everything from TLC and 1H-NMR spectra to reaction mechanisms and alternative approaches with the same product or reactants.
Sigh. I'm terrible. I promised myself I'd work on it today and here I am, in bed. I'm the procrastination-king.