Hi, as a guy from Turkey, it really interests me to join the EU. I would like to know your thoughts.
Turkey is trying to join the EU since 1999 but not much has been achived i think. We still have problems about corruption, democracy, economy etc but Turkey is one the first modernised muslim populated country (not muslim country because it is secular) and had strong relationship with Europe since long time before...
For me, i definetely want to be in EU for many reasons such as free working area, better life standarts, and western culture. I dont think Turkey can achieve these aims by herself, because our people are lazy, we are always needed to be pushed
I know that many people don't want Turkey to be in EU due to religious reasons but Turks are really secular minded people, we dont mind other people's businesses, there are many churches in Istanbul still.
Alto Wrote:No we don't want ISIS sympathizers or lazy Turks in the EU, how about, stop shooting down Russian planes, stop funding and giving safe passage to extremists into syria, stop playing a double game.
We don't want an EU, period. Your response was as if Koseku was responsible for all these issues..
His post was genuine and objective...
No ice cream for [MENTION=23123]Alto[/MENTION]..
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Goes to show you how far away I am from Europe and just about how little I know about Turkey, but I sincerely though you guys were already a part of it! :eek:
To me it seems a natural event to occur, Turkey is already part of NATO, so there's military integration. Economical and political integration seems fitting.
I don't know how things will go from now considering the whole ISIS debacle and the attiudes changing in Europe, but as far as I can tell Turkey ain't pro-ISIS one bit and if it's a secular country, like you say, then I don't see the problem. Guess we'll have to see how it goes.
[MENTION=23123]Alto[/MENTION] Correction, some UK factions don't want a EU, which is expectable, considering the cycle of isolation/integration that UK normally has with respect to continental Europe. As far as I've read, there isn't other similar stances in other EU countries, although I may be wrong about that.
Alto Wrote:Don't worry, when Islam has fully occupied europe, then you can come and eat our potatoes with your grabby fingers
Allahu Akbar
Not your most prized or rational comment on Gayspeak. . So I'll jump off here and let you get back to being you...
I think this post got lost in the moderation as [MENTION=23171]koseku[/MENTION] still hasn't gotten 50 posts. You should come join us in word games section, you'll get to 50 a lot faster and bypass all these moderation.
Anyway, to answer you question, I don't really follow this issue, but with current situation, your chance is higher if you just migrate there, easier through education, rather than waiting for Turkey to somehow get into EU.
Ok i'm sorry to say so... but alto.... my... i would have said dear friends.. but you're not... would you mind shutting the fuck up and getting out of here with all you racist negativity? i am so FUCKING!! tired of people hating on others, my stepdad my dad my brother my grandmom even people from my class... so if you dont got anything nice or helpfull to say so then please shut the fuck up and leave this thread.. would you?
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12-07-2015, 06:16 AM
(Edited 12-07-2015, 06:22 AM by meridannight.)
MickTheMousie Wrote:Ok i'm sorry to say so... but alto.... my... i would have said dear friends.. but you're not... would you mind shutting the fuck up and getting out of here with all you racist negativity? i am so FUCKING!! tired of people hating on others, my stepdad my dad my brother my grandmom even people from my class... so if you dont got anything nice or helpfull to say so then please shut the fuck up and leave this thread.. would you?
everybody has their own opinion. [MENTION=23123]Alto[/MENTION]'s has his. some opinions are positive, some are negative, some are neutral. people are entitled to their opinion, whichever they may be.
telling them to get the fuck off the board and shut up is uncalled for and unfair. if you don't like what he has to say, argue against that, give him your point-of-view, ask him where his negative approach stems from, etc. but it is not within your right to tell another member to get off the site/thread.
and while i don't really know that much about Turkish people, Alto does have a point about certain political issues regarding the matter of Turkey ever joining the EU.
as my own opinion, i do not see it happening any time in the near future. Europe isn't just gonna get down on the ground and bypass a number of crucial issues regarding Turkey just to get their full co-operation on curbing the migrant flow. there are too many other things Turkey needs to resolve internally before the EU comes on the horizon. Turkey needs to actually be a European state in character, before the membership happens. and with what is going on within the EU itself at the moment, the time of crisis is not the time to start approving new members.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
Yea everybody has their own oppinion, but you dont have to share it if it's negative :/
And i understand if you were in a crappy mood  tho i cant say i was
And i'm sorry i was such a... i dont know what i was (i just dont want to say dick or asshole) but i shouldn't have said that, i should have done what is told you to do, shut my mouth.
So i'm sorry, i'm just tired of a lot of things for the time, specially my dad and stepdad :/
Well, I'm glad you guys aren't at each other's throat anymore. Frankly, this is what usually happens when you discuss politics or religions, which is why they are very sensitive topics here in GS, we've had Andy banning people cause of that. [MENTION=23123]Alto[/MENTION] is entitled to his opinion, and so are you [MENTION=23195]MickTheMousie[/MENTION] . I mostly share the left values, so I can understand how you feel especially if you're surrounded by family members of opposite views. Let's just try to respect each other's opinion by middle ground or agree to disagree.
Alto Wrote:I just wanna say [MENTION=23171]koseku[/MENTION] can join the EU because its his birthday and he's quite handsome, no other Turks tho...
But but, there are so many more handsome Turks! [emoji3]