11-28-2015, 11:29 PM
Let’s start with the goods news:
You’re only 14. This is great, since you’ve become aware of your problem and started seeking help at an early age. Eating disorders could leave really serious consequences in your body and lead to other problems if they aren’t treated on time.
Sexual abuse is not one of the problems involved in your disorders. One burden less for you to deal with.
Health care is free where you live. Seeking the help of a professional in certain countries is very expensive, specially when you’re underage.
Suicidal thoughts are more common that you may think. They normally appear when we feel there aren’t other options. Fortunately in your case there are, it’s just you didn’t know or haven’t found them before.
Now back to the topic: May we know which was the cause of the stress?. Why do you think you’re a big disappointment for everyone?. Cause you’re not physically attractive? Cause you don’t have good grades in school?. Cause you’re not a jock or a geek?.
It’s understandable that you have refrained for searching professional help because the perception you have about yourself, your parents and all the people that surround you. However, it would be really good if you could at least try speaking with someone in real time about this issue, like LJay suggested: a nurse in your school, a guidance counselor, the public health department. Speak to them, they may be able to advise your or at least to channel you to the right place.
Can’t imagine how your parents are or what kind of relationship you have with them, but think that whether you’re gonna disappoint them or get in debt with them or not, you’re gonna do something positive for yourself that is gonna allow you to feel better. We will never be able to please everyone with our actions or decisions, but as long as they make us feel good and don’t harm anyone it’s fair to give them a try.
You’re only 14. This is great, since you’ve become aware of your problem and started seeking help at an early age. Eating disorders could leave really serious consequences in your body and lead to other problems if they aren’t treated on time.
Sexual abuse is not one of the problems involved in your disorders. One burden less for you to deal with.
Health care is free where you live. Seeking the help of a professional in certain countries is very expensive, specially when you’re underage.
Suicidal thoughts are more common that you may think. They normally appear when we feel there aren’t other options. Fortunately in your case there are, it’s just you didn’t know or haven’t found them before.
Now back to the topic: May we know which was the cause of the stress?. Why do you think you’re a big disappointment for everyone?. Cause you’re not physically attractive? Cause you don’t have good grades in school?. Cause you’re not a jock or a geek?.
It’s understandable that you have refrained for searching professional help because the perception you have about yourself, your parents and all the people that surround you. However, it would be really good if you could at least try speaking with someone in real time about this issue, like LJay suggested: a nurse in your school, a guidance counselor, the public health department. Speak to them, they may be able to advise your or at least to channel you to the right place.
Can’t imagine how your parents are or what kind of relationship you have with them, but think that whether you’re gonna disappoint them or get in debt with them or not, you’re gonna do something positive for yourself that is gonna allow you to feel better. We will never be able to please everyone with our actions or decisions, but as long as they make us feel good and don’t harm anyone it’s fair to give them a try.