I have my sruggles and my issues and yes im am leaving asap asmy deletion happens, i have my my struggles, yes i have rambled on and i regret alot in life and i am sorry. Sometimes people "crack up" but thats life yes im a nutcase to most and maybe a nut case but i need to do wha i had to do like sillpost while waiting for deletion but i have lost alot in lthat i have needed t regain and i need validation and its awful i have hit that point. N one should need to overdose ever like me and no one should ever go throughe the pain i have or emotional pain drink is not your answer but take care love ya what ever my ignorantal drunk point was.
Admit it. You love this place and the people and the attention they give you. Be honest with yourself. So stick around and suckle on the Deep Nipple of gay communitism. Cos like Jess Glynne says.... There's nowhere you'd rather be.
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Joined: May 2014
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Big-D, I don't mean to come off sounding mean but, seriously, you whine about your life SO much. It would be one thing if you'd had some serious tragedy in your life (many of us here have, BTW) but you haven't. Yeah, sure, you have issues. Yeah, sure, there are things you wish you'd had or done or been successful at. But that's the case with every human being.
The real question for you is what are YOU going to do about your life? What I see you do, over and over again, is say there is nothing you can do... worse... you blame everyone else for your not getting the things you say you want. You make your happiness completely the responsibility of other people. But that's just it... other people are NOT responsible for your happiness. YOU ARE. Just as YOU are responsible for posting drunk... a habit you've gotten into recently and that I don't approve of one bit.
So, again, I don't mean to sound mean. I like you. I consider you a friend. THAT is why I speak so sternly and straight forward to you. I want to help you... but there is NO helping someone who will not help help himself.
If you want us to support you, you have to give us something to support you in DOING. And I'm NOT going to support you in feeling sorry for yourself, or support you in disengaging from this community and getting drunk to "manage" your overall sense of failure and loneliness. I WILL support you in taking care of yourself and doing whatever it takes to change your attitude toward life.